Chapter 6 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Robert: Hey = talking

Robert: (happy) = tone of voice

Robert: *moving* = action

Third Person POV

The scene opens with a view of Robert's room in the Home Base. Coco, Claire, Io, Louis, and Rin were sitting in chairs while Oliver, Yakumo, and Davis were leaning on the wall. The group is looking at Robert who is sitting in a chair that is next to the bed. Robert's left arm is currently being held down by Alice who is still sleeping in the bed.

Robert: You see I never knew much of the outside walls of the shelter, and I always wanted to see the City of Vein for myself. I wanted to leave and explore the city just like my mother and other revenants did and help anyone from the Lost and the other horrors that roam the city.

Oliver: Then why didn't you?

Robert: My father forbidden me from leaving.

Louis: How?

Robert: My father was in charge of security of the shelter, and he decided that I wasn't allowed to leave the shelter.

Davis: He did that so you wouldn't get hurt, correct?

Robert: Wrong. He just hated me. I never liked my father after he divorced my mother. My father had an affair with another woman and left my mother since he wanted to be with a normal human instead of "a monster" as he put it. I hate my father for that since the divorce put my mother in a bad state of depression that she needed therapy for. My father ruined my mother and I hate him for it.

Claire: Then why is he considered your legal guardian? Shouldn't your mother be....

Robert: She's dead.

Io: How do you know that?

Robert: She went on a mission and never returned. I was told, by a few other soldiers, that my mother was killed in action during her mission. Shortly after that, I was forced to move in with my father and his new family.

Coco: What happened then?

Robert: I was abused and neglected by most of them. The only one that was nice to me was my sister Jessica. She always helped me even when the rest of the family yelled at her for helping a freak.

Davis: How did Benjamin get away with this?

Robert: Oh please. Everyone in the human part of the shelter knew about it. Every human hated me and called me a freak since I was, in their own words, "a freak of nature". Even the security guards didn't care about me. The only friend I had was Alice. *looks at Alice* She always treated me like a person and helped me when I needed assistance.

Louis: How did you work on your blood veil if you were always treated like a freak? I mean you couldn't have gotten those supplies without any help.

Robert: *looks back at the group* Now there's where things changed and why my father wants me back. You see, I found out how to create/fix blood veils and learned how to access their different properties. My father used this to his advantage, and he made me fix any blood veil that needed repairs. I was supposed to get money for repairing the blood veils but of course my father took all the money for himself.

Rin: Sounds like your father is a very selfish man.

Robert: That's putting it mildly. Anyway, as I was fixing the blood veils, I would steal some supplies for my own blood veil.

The Hybrid of Vein (Code Vein x Original Character) *on hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now