Chapter 5 - Helping Alice

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Robert: Hey = talking

Robert: (calm) = tone of voice 

Robert: *moving* = action 

Third Person POV

The scene opens with a view of the inside of a cave. There is a dried up bloodspring in the center of the cave and an elevator leading somewhere else. There are a few boxes scattered around the place. The camera focuses on the only people in the room and reveals Robert Siege and the human woman. The woman is currently holding a knife to her neck while Robert holds his hands up to show her that he means no harm.

Woman: I said stay back!

Robert: Okay. Okay. I'll stay where I am at. Just relax, you're safe from those maniacs.

Woman: I won't listen to you revenants anymore!

Robert: I understand that you must be tired of those monsters draining you of your blood every day. Look I'm not like those guys.

Woman: Lies!

Robert: It's true. Let me introduce myself. I'm Robert and you are?

 I'm Robert and you are?

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Alice Winters

Alice: Alice.

Robert: Nice to meet you, Alice. Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything of that nature. I'm going to lead you to a shelter that's all.

Alice: Lies! You're just going to use me for my blood!

Robert: No, I'm not. You see I'm a hybrid and I don't need to drink blood as often as other revenants. So, you don't need to worry about me using you for your blood.

The woman gains a look of shock and desperation on her face when Robert said that he was a hybrid.

Alice: Wait, Robert is that you?

Robert: Huh?

Alice: It's me, Alice, Alice Winters. We used to be neighbors until the Lost broke into our shelter.

Robert: Wait, Alice. Is that really you?

Robert POV

Alice drops the knife and runs at me and gives me a big hug. I return the hug and the two of us simply stand there for a few minutes. I can't believe it. Alice is still alive. I thought she died in the attack. I'm so glad that she is alright. Maybe she knows if Jessica is alright.

Robert: I'm glad that you're okay, Alice.

Alice: I'm glad you're okay too, Robert.

Alice lets go of the hug and looks at me. Alice then takes my mask off, and I don't stop her since I know she hates it when I wear a mask.

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