Chapter 8 - Into the Depths of the Howling Pit

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Robert: Hello = speaking

Robert: (happy) Hello = tone of voice or emotion

Robert: *moving* = action

Third Person POV

The scene opens with a view of the front entrance to the cathedral. Robert, Claire, Louis, and Yakumo are about to leave for the next part in their journey to find the source of the blood beads, but Robert is having a conversation with Alice about her current situation. The rest of the group is watching the couple argue and Yakumo seems to be enjoying the show.

Robert: What do you mean you aren't going back to the shelter?

Alice: I'm not going back to the shelter, Robert. Not without you.

Robert: *sighs* Look, I understand you don't want to leave me again, but you'll be safer in a shelter. You-

Alice: Don't say "you wouldn't have to worry about the Lost" because our last home was attacked and destroyed by the Lost, so the shelter isn't much safer than here.

Yakumo: She got you there, Robert.

Robert: *looks at Yakumo with a glare* You're not helping.

Yakumo: Did you really except me to help you in this situation? I say let her decide where she wants to be. If she wants to stay here, then she can stay here.

Robert: But-

Louis: She'll be fine here, Robert. Lost never attack this place since it is almost impossible for them to get here plus we make sure there aren't any Lost in the area at least once a week.

Robert: But... But...*sighs* Fine.

Alice: *smiles* Great. I'll have dinner ready for you when you get back. Remember to be careful down in the Howling Pit.

Alice kisses Robert on the cheek before walking away and Robert simply walks over to the rest of the group and puts on his mask.

Robert: Let's get going.

The revenants use the mistal to teleport back to the garage parking lot mistal that they found the other day.

Robert: Okay. We go through the city streets. When we reach the first intersection we stick to the left, and we continue going to the left until we finally reach a sinkhole.

Louis: Okay. What happens after that?

Robert: There are a few thorns that are sticking out of the walls of the sinkhole. We jump down the sinkhole using those thorns. When we reach the bottom, it is straight shot to the Howling Pit.

Claire: Let's get moving then.

The group make their way through the city streets but as they are about to reach the first intersection Robert stops them from continuing.

Yakumo: What's wrong?

Robert: We got company. Quick hide.

The group then hides behind a broken-down car and look to see about six Lost walking down the street in a single file line. They are patrolling the area and Louis looks at the Lost then at Robert.

Louis: How did you know that they were patrolling the area?

Robert: This part of town has a few rouge revenants that smuggle blood. They sometimes drop the blood they were smuggling, and it attracts the Lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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