Just Wake Up

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Kamala is escorted to Doug's hospital room door, she takes a quick breath before opening the door, afraid of how he might look. She walks in slowly, there are monitors everywhere but there he is, her Douglas at last. He looks pale but at peace and he's breathing calmly. After looking around, she immediately goes to his side and grabs his hand, she feels the need to touch him. She sits in the bedside chair and brings his hand to her lips, kissing his hand. For a moment she just sits there content with the fact that she's near him and he's alive. She wasn't sure how she would react to seeing him like this, but him simply being in the rooms is more calming than sitting in the waiting room. After a few moments she stands to be closer to him, still holding his hand. She takes her other hand and affectionately touches his check, God she loves this man. "My hero, you scared the shit out of me today Dougie, but I love you so much, don't ever leave me," she almost whispers. Logically she knows that he can't hear her, but she wants him to feel her presence. Kamala bends and brushes a kiss to his lips then forehead.

She sits down again content to hold his hand and watch his chest go up and down. She looks around the room a bit, looking at the monitors wishing she knew more about them and if the readings are good. Kamala spots a clock and realizes that somehow it's almost midnight on what feels like the longest day of her life. She lays her forehead on their entwined hands and closes her eyes thanking God that he's still with her. Slowly she drifts off to sleep still clutching his hand.


Kamala wakes to a nurse and doctor entering the room. She glances at the clock not really realizing how long she'd slept, it was now 5am.

"Madame Vice President," the nurse says while the doctor gives her a kind nod.

"How is he doing? I'm not really very good at understanding all of these monitors."

"He is progressing quite well so far, we will continue to monitor him and he will continue to receive medication to ensure that he is comfortable, but he should be waking up at any time," the doctor responds.

"That is very good news, thank you so much, truly, to all of you."

"Madame Vice President, would you like us to have someone bring you a bed to lie down on?"

"No, thank you I've slept enough for the moment."

They exit the room and Kamala sits waiting again holding Doug's hand. "Feel free to wake up anytime now honey." She sits quietly watching him for any signs of him waking, but he is still sleeping calmly.


Dani enters the room around 6am, the loyal staffer brings Kamala a bagel, some coffee and checks on her boss and friend, "thought you might want something to eat."

"Thanks, Dani I'm starving, I just wish he would wake up."

"He will, just give it some time," Dani says while handing her the food and coffee.

"Have you been here all night?" Kamala asks.

"Yes, me and most of the team have been working to clear your schedule and manage the media. Everyone has been great, a number of committee members and Senators have volunteered to step up and handle some of your events and projects, they are all very worried about you and Doug."

Kamala is touched, "I can't thank y'all enough for everything that you are doing, I can't imagine handling all of this myself right now."

"We know, we're here for you, we will all help however we can. You should see all of the kind words and supporting outpouring from Americans and people all over the world, it's so nice to see, everyone is routing for you and Doug, it's really sweet."

"That is really sweet." Kamala is touched.

"Ok, well if you need anything someone will always be around in the waiting area."

"Thank you Dani, please get some rest, and tell the rest of the team to do the same. I'd come out and talk to ya'll but I just want to be here when he wakes up, the doctor said that should be any time now. I just have to be the first person he sees." Kamala moves to give her friend a hug.

"We all understand," Dani says while hugging her boss and friend back.

Dani leaves and Kamala sits beside Doug once again. It's not long and she see him start to stir, her heart flutters, he is finally gonna wake up!

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