In Dreams

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This is the 2nd last chapter I believe, enjoy!

She wakes in a panic, she doesn't remember what she was dreaming about, but it scared her awake.  Kamala looks around but all she can see is darkness.  More panic sets in as she tries to find out what is going on, her hands aren't working and she realizes that they are tied up.  Her fear escalates, no this can't be happening again, she was in bed with Doug, he wouldn't let this happen.  She tries to speak, but words fail her.  She is alone in darkness again.  Was she dreaming?  Was she really here all along?  Did she only dream of being rescued? 

Suddenly she hears footsteps approaching, they are coming closer, it's happening all over again, she trembles and shakes feeling that she can't go through this again.  Trying to scream, she can't control her breathing like she did last time, this is more terrifying simply because she thought it was over. "No, please no," she tries to plead over and over.


Doug is woken by the trembling of his wife in his arms.  He has never seen her like this, her breathing is laboured, she is heaving and screaming, it scares him wide awake.

"Honey, Kamala, wake up, please wake up, it's just a dream." He pleads with her to no avail.  He tries to shake her awake but it only increases her agitation.  He doesn't know how to handle this, he just needs to wake her up.  "Honey, it's me, Doug, honey wake up you are safe it's just a dream.". Doug frantically repeats himself and holds her, rocking her and he feels when she awakens. 

She is sweating and seems so scared.  He continues to try and get her to realize that it was just a dream.  "Honey, you are safe, I am here with you, it's gonna be ok, it was just a dream."

"It was a dream?  Oh my God, it was so real, it was so real.  It was just a dream?" She says still seemingly unsure.

"It was a dream, you were shaking and screaming, I was trying to wake you.  You are safe, I promise, I am right here."

Kamala takes a few breaths trying to let herself just feel Doug's strong arms around her, trying to convince herself that it was just a dream, a nightmare.

"It was just so real, it was as though I woke up and everything was dark again and my hands were tied.  It was just so real, I thought that I had dreamt about being rescued, oh my God, it was just so real."

"I know honey, I could see how terrified you were.  I kept trying to wake you, it was just so hard to wake you."

Doug looked at the clock, it was 4am, he was glad that at least they managed to get a few hours of sleep.  He certainly knew that after that ordeal, there would be no way he would be able to fall back asleep and assumed the same for his wife.  He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a glass of water offering it to her, "honey, do you want some water?  It might help to calm you down."

Kamala nodded and took the glass after a few sips, she put the glass back and brushed her husband's cheek, "I am so sorry, I must have scared the crap out of you, why don't you go back to sleep, you can get another couple of hours, I will just go in the other room."

"You don't have to be sorry, honey, you went through a serious trauma and I knew that there would be repercussions.  And you don't have to leave, there is no way I will fall back to sleep, I am wide awake."

"I'm so sorry Dougie, it's gonna be a long day."

"Hey, Kamala, look at me," Doug gently brushes her cheek making her face him as they sit up in bed.  He kisses her lips softly, "honey, there is nowhere I'd rather be then right her with you, I have your back as always, there is nothing to be sorry about."

Kamala kisses him back on the lips, not a passionate kiss, but one filled with love and emotion.  "I love you Douglas Emhoff." With that she snuggles into her husband.

"I love you too.  We will get through this honey.  Frank will be here at 7, he wants to give us an update on their investigation.  The doctors will also be in to examine you, I did as you asked last night and held them off, but you are the Vice President and they need to make sure you are ok."

"Today is going to suck Dougie, I know it has to be done, but rehashing all of this, it's just going to suck."

"Yeah, it will certainly suck, but we will get through it together.  I will be there for however or whatever you need." Doug knows that she's not going to like his next suggestion, but he hopes that he can get her to see reason.  "You know honey, it might help to talk to someone about it, like a professional.  I mean you can tell me anything, but I know you went through a lot and I might not be the best person to guide you through this."

Kamala snuggles into Doug even more, she knows he is right.  "I think you might be right, I will talk with a therapist.  I want to be able to get over this, there is just a lot and it would be nice to be able to sleep again and after that nightmare, I am not so sure how easy that will be."

Doug kisses the top of her head happy that she didn't put up a fight, he loves her more than life itself and just wants her to be able to heal.  He doesn't say it, but Doug wants to talk with someone too, he is adamant that he learn how best to deal with these situations, they will get through this together.

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