Chapter 3: Surprises

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Cool air rushes through Wolf Valley, the sun shining over the wonderful terrain. In the warm den of the Storm Wind pack lies a beautiful white wolf. Next to her was a black wolf with an off-white pelt. The two wolves were sleeping peacefully together, Asterope's face lied onto Skyy's head, her soft fur all puffed up from the night's sleep.

"How are the little pups doing?", Asterope asks Skyy with one eye open.

"It's still too early, I can't tell.", explains Skyy with half a laugh.

"Want me to bring back some food?", asks Asterope. "That would be great, but I think I can manage", replies Skyy with a crooked smile.

"Okay, let's go"

Asterope and I get up from the warm den, I shake my pelt to make it flat again. Now, here is my favorite part of the day.
Lifting our heads and letting out a long and beautiful howl to wake up to pack, saying it's time to start the day. The other wolves lift their heads and join, what we call the wolf seranation.

When it ends, we all go over to the carcass from last night's feast.

"Hey, do you know who that wolf is out there?", Asterope asks.

"That cream-colored wolf?"

"Yes, that one."

"No, I don't think so."

"I'll go check it out, you stay here."

Asterope walks away from the food, watching the cream wolf. When the wolf turns, a black star print is visible near its head. He runs back to Skyy.

"We have to get out of here!"


"The wolf we just saw, the cream-colored one, it has a black star print near its face.", explains Asterope.

"Why is that so bad?", Skyy asks.

"It's the mark of the Crevice Lake spirit wolf, we've got to go"

Skyy and Asterope eat as much food as they could and went to tell Jamel and Nadine.

"Mother! Father!", yells Asterope.

"Asterope is everything ok?", Nadine asks.

"Aruna, she's here", Asterope says plainly.

"Tell everybody to go to the waterfall, go to find Odina it's safest with her.", Jamel explains.

"Skyy, you get Lavender and the other she-wolves and the pups, make sure to get to the waterfall.", Asterope whines.

I run to the nursery den and gather all the pups and get Lavander and the other she-wolves.

"We've got to get to the waterfall, Asterope's instructions.", Skyy barks.

"Pups, single file!", Lavander quickly says.

"Quickly!", says Skyy.

"Asterope, make sure everyone makes it to the waterfall, Nadine and I will make sure they don't reach you, then we will join you and everyone else. Take care of Skyy, you know what to do.", Jamel explains carefully.

"I love you both, take care of yourselves.", Asterope says.

"Bye, we love you!", howl Nadine and Jamel.

Asterope sprints toward Skyy and the others.

"Asterope! Are you okay!?", Skyy says.

"I'm fine, Jamel and Nadine are going to try to hold them off."

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