Pack Ranks

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Alpha Male and Female Wolves

The pack leaders are the alpha male and female, they are the highest-ranking wolves in the pack. These two animals are dominant over all the other wolves in the pack.

Spirit Wolf: 

A spirit wolf is a spiritual wolf that can communicate with ones who have traveled to the Moonlight Pack (afterlife). These wolves are born 1 (or 2) out of 10 den litters, they are rare and can heal other wolves that have been harmed, either physically or mentally. A spirit wolf has a special pattern that glows on its pelt when connecting with the Moonlight Pack or healing another wolf. (Ex. Kachina is a spirit wolf, her pelt has small flowers that glow indigo/blue on her pelt when she is using her 'spiritual magic'.) {Hope that helps explain}


A hunter wolf can either be a female or a male wolf. This rank is an average rank, which means they are like a citizen in a town/city. These wolves hunt prey such as elk, mule deer, etc. for the pack. 

Luna Wolf: 

A Luna wolf is a female wolf that either is expecting pups or already has pups. 

Juvenile Wolf: 

A juvenile wolf is a 3-6-month-old pup that can eat bits of meat from a carcass. These wolves can be 'mentored' into being either a spirit wolf or a hunter. Only the son or daughter of the alphas can be mentored into being the next alpha unless they chose to become a hunter and then leave the pack to start its own. 


An elder wolf is a wolf that is 5-8 years of age. They can be former alphas, spirit wolves, or hunters. 


An omega wolf can be either male or female and is the scapegoat, the lowest ranking member of the pack. The omega lives on the outskirts of the pack, usually eating last. ... When wolves become adolescents and have reached sexual maturity, many will leave their home territory in order to search for a mate.


A she-wolf is a female wolf. 

1-year Wolf: 

A wolf that has reached 1 year of age and is almost mature.

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