Chapter 5: Different

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They walk down the steep grassy hill down to the small clear stream. Cool air blows through the soft coats of the wolves and the tall grasses of Yellowstone. She breathes in the scents of the stream and sighs. The other pups run around not noticing all the small details in the beautiful terrain. Rosalind, looking annoyed, stayed close to the pups but kept her distance.

She stays close to Rosalind and doesn't go near the other pups. When the wolves get to the stream, she just takes a nice cold long drink, the others do the opposite, they run around splashing each other. Rosalind lies down in the nice grass and calmly watches the pups.

"Rosalind, I'm going back to the den", Thunder barks.

"Okay, be careful and go straight to the den"

She slowly walked up to the den where all the other wolves were. The air blew forcefully through her brown coat. Thinking about what to do next, she suddenly drowned into a deep sleep and fell onto the hard ground of the den.

"Thunder! Wake up!", yelled one of the pups.


She opened her eyes, and she was lying next to me, and Denali was right up in her face.

"Denali! Don't yell in her face!", I growl.

"It's okay mom, I'm awake now"

"Well, you two go join your siblings and go eat, you have a challenging day ahead of you"

They both exit the den and step into the cool fall air. They continue walking towards the new carcass to join their siblings.

"Hey guys!", she barks.

"Hi!", they all howl in reply.

The pups bury their faces into the fresh meat of the cow elk carcass and fill their stomachs. They had all finished eating by the time I had great news for them, they lay down in the short grass and fell asleep. Of course, I won't wake them up, so I decided to tell them tomorrow.

The sun comes up over the mountains and birds chirp in treetops. Warm air blows through my face with the scent of fireweed and lavender drive through my nose. Pups tumble over one another and wolves sleep on warm rocks. I raise my head and call the pups over with a soft howl, they all reply with a soft but squeaker howl. One by one they trip over their paws while running towards me.

"What do you need mom?!", Cloud barks.

"Nina will be mentoring all of you to become hunters, and Thunder, you will be mentored by Kachina", I explain with a bark. One single bark.

They all howl and run over to the stream to meet with Nina except for Thunder. "Mom, where is Kachina?", she asks me.

"Over by the pond in a small den", I reply.

She trots over to the small den and enters.

"I think she will make a great spirit wolf Skyy", Asterope says, standing behind me.

"Yes, I think she will too", I whine.

We walk back over to Seri's Stone and fall asleep on the warm rocks that were sitting in the sun.

"Welcome Thunder", a voice says.

"Um, hello?", she whines.

"Over here", the white wolf says.

She follows the voice, and it leads to another area inside the den. It was much bigger on the inside than the outside. She sees Kachina taking care of a light brown she-wolf, the wolf has a visible injury on her front leg, and it needed to be treated. Kachina laid her nose onto the injury, suddenly, flower designs started to appear all over Kachina's pelt, they were glowing and were indigo colored.

After a few minutes, she stopped glowing, and her coat went back to normal. The injury suddenly faded away like it was never there. The she-wolf was asleep, so she had no idea what had just happened to her.

"What just happened?", the pups asked.

"I healed her using Moonlight spirit crystal magic", she barked in reply.

"What's Moonlight crystal-whatever it's called?", Thunder says then quickly shaking her coat.

"Moonlight spirit crystal magic? A shorter way to say it is "spirit" or "my spirit". I used energy from my spirit and healed her injury", she explained to the young pup.

"How is that even possible? I thought wolves just came here and you put some herbs on their injury and it healed up fast.", she whined.

"Well, that is something I do if the injury or sickness is too bad, I only have a limited amount of spirit in me to help wolves"

"So, what do I do, and why am I here?", Thunder asked.

"Your mom has noticed that you aren't an ordinary wolf, you are a spirit wolf Thunder", she barked plainly.

She sat there, no facial expression, no feelings, just nothing. Kachina looked into her eyes, her green eyes and her eyes then started glowing. Kachina's blue eyes turned into glowing indigo flowers. The wind was picking up and it started getting colder in the den. The she-wolf that was in there was still asleep and was lying in the other room.

"Thunder, close your eyes and tell me what you see", Kachina softly barks.

She closes her eyes, her pelt starts glowing, green lightning bolts start to become visible on her coat. The faded mark on her face gains its color back and starts to glow like the rest of her.

She could see a forest, it was foggy, the mist had spread in every direction. Three wolves appeared suddenly, One light-brown wolf in the middle, his eyes glowing light blue, another one on the right of him, a gray she-wolf with glowing red eyes. Lastly, a light-brown wolf on the left of him, his eyes glowing light green, reminded her of someone, she just didn't know who. The wolf in the middle says something, "The one who howls shall not be named". He says it plainly and sternly, she didn't understand what it meant. The wolves and the forest started fading and soon she was back in the den with Kachina. Her eyes and pelt have stopped glowing, and her dark blue eyes stared right at the pup.

"So, what did you see?", she asks playfully.

"I-I saw three wolves in a misty forest", she started.

"Yes, continue", she barks.

"The one in front was light-brown and has glowing blue eyes. The wolf left of him was a light-brown wolf with glowing green eyes, and the wolf to the right was a she-wolf with a gray coat and her eyes were glowing red.", she explained.

"I see, did they say anything?", she asked.

"The light-brown wolf said, "The one who howls shall not be named", she says fearfully.

"I must inform Asterope and Skyy", she barks. "Come with me" 

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