Chapter 7: Losing the ones you Love

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After a night of scary thoughts and nightmares, she wakes up to a beautiful cool day in Wolf Valley. Asterope was still sleeping next to me, the pups snuggled next to him. They were sleeping peacefully; I wonder how Thunder is feeling after yesterday. I stepped outside and little raindrops started sprinkling down onto my white coat. My coat was filled with dirt and was turning gray on the sides, I guess I really am getting old. Other wolves were sleeping under trees or on rocks in the soft rain, some were already awake or eating leftovers from the carcass. We'll have to go hunting soon.

Asterope had just exited the den when I was about to go wake him up. The rain sprinkled onto his black fur that was also turning gray on the sides. His brown eyes looking at me, the smell of rain and mud ran through my nose, filling my thoughts. "Skyy?", Asterope had repeatedly asked. His voice echoed through my head, Skyy, Skyy, Skyy, it just kept on repeating in my head, until everything went black.

 His voice echoed through my head, Skyy, Skyy, Skyy, it just kept on repeating in my head, until everything went black

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I'm not in Wolf Valley anymore, or at Seri's Stone, I'm near a lake, a big one. There was a big rock next to it, it looked like a den, wolves were gathered in one spot, looking at something, could it be? Pups were sitting with a dark brown she-wolf some distance away from the other wolves. A black she-wolf with silver dapples was inside the circle next to a light-brown wolf with a silver pelt, Argon. There was a dead wolf inside the circle of gathered wolves, Argon was that dead wolf. I could see that the wolves were sad just like I was, suddenly, a glowing green ghost wolf started floating out of Argon, it was his spirit, it was traveling to the Moonlight pack up in the stars. I guess this was a vision of the past when Argon died, it was sad to watch, but I had to watch it, it showed me Argon was safe, and I'm glad he is happier now.

I could hear Asterope's voice softly in my ears, everything was blurry, and my eyes were slowly opening. I was lying in some sort of den; I could feel leaves and grass under me. "Asterope?", I say softly.

"Skyy!", he barks.

"Stay quiet Asterope, she's still waking up", Kachina softly growls.

"Sorry", he whimpers.

"He is safe", I softly woof.

"Who is safe?", Denali asks running into the room.

"Argon", Thunder says.

"How do you know?", Cloud asks also running into the room.

"I-I", she stammers.

"She just knows", I say sitting up.

Asterope sits there looking confused, he looks at me and I look at him.

"How does she know?", he whispers.

"Sprit wolves know everything", I reply with a smile.

He smiles back at me and says, "Of course".

We walk back to the main pack area and all the wolves crowd around me, they ask if I was okay and what happened, Asterope growled at them, making them go away. I sit down on a cold rock with Asterope.

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