Chapter 5: He's Missing

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Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 5. It may look a bit different, but that is intentional. I had a friend help me to write this Chapter. In fact, they wrote this themselves. Thank you to @PawPatrol67 for helping me out with this Chapter. Anyway, without further ado, here is the long-awaited 5th Chapter.

The next day rolls around as Zuma is waking up from a painful nap. He finds himself still tied up in a chair and still in pain from yesterday. The lab can't believe that the mayor would do this to him. He thought he would be safe in this town, but it turns out he was wrong. Very wrong. The door opens and Zuma whimpers as the mayor walks in with an evil grin. "Ready for more torture you worthless pup?" She asks with that devilish smirk. "No." Zuma says. "Too bad." She says as she punches Zuma in the stomach making him yelp in pain and the punches from yesterday just make it bruise up. She grabs his fur aggressively and pulls her hand back ripping some of his fur off making him yelp louder. "Let me hear those screams." The mayor says. She does it again making Zuma yelp even louder with each piece of fur he loses.

The lab looks near the door and sees a big, tall figure in the doorway with a hood on and a full black outfit. "Don't worry about him." She says as the man walks in and in his hand is a huge, black whip. Zuma gulps as he can figure out what is going to happen next. "Please don't." He begs trying to get a good response. The mayor just gets up and slaps him just before she walks out. The man is breathing heavily and just as Zuma expected, he starts whipping Zuma's body. First starting with his back making it bruise up and start bleeding from the whip. Then moving to the stomach which was worse for Zuma due to the fact that's where most of the abuse was aimed at. The sound of the whip hitting Zuma echos throughout the chamber and entire basement. The figure also punches Zuma right where he whipped him which makes Zuma bleed more. It's still not as bad as the day before but it still is enough to push Zuma over the edge and start crying from the pain. "I want my Chasey!!!!!!" The lab shouts and cries out.

The figure has no response but to just to keep whipping and punching Zuma to make the mayor happy. Soon the figure finishes and walks out but it is obvious that the mayor is not finished with the lab who is bleeding and in constant pain. The mayor kept abusing Zuma and thinks of something devilish. "You know, I could just bring that Shepard here and make you hold him down under the water. Make you drown him, and you would be the one feeling him struggle and beg you to release him," The mayor says with an evil grin on her face.

"Leave him alone, he has nothing to do with this, you have no reason to attack any gay pups like myself or Chase." Zuma retaliates. The mayor strikes Zuma square in his muzzle causing him to lose his breath and he is panting hard to regain his breath. He is knocked over from the lack of breath and the mayor just chuckles and rips out more of his fur. "Shut the fuck up you little fag!" The mayor yells right into his ear. He whimpers and tries to get up but is punched back to the ground. "I have full control here and I have every single reason to kill you and kill that good for nothing Shepherd of yours. However, I need you to suffer as death would be happiness for you," She points out.

Meanwhile at the Lookout the pups are looking around for Zuma, but no one can find him anywhere. It's like he just disappeared which couldn't be possible. "Where was he last?" Sweetie asks. "I don't know, we were all so focused on Skye that we didn't even notice that Zuma is gone." Rocky says as his tail stops wagging. "We shouldn't tell Chase; he would probably flip out that we can't find Zuma anywhere." Ryder says. "Who can't find Zuma anywhere?" A voice comes from the door. They all look to the main door and Chase is walking in while rubbing his eyes. "Uhhhhh." They all say in unison.

"Chase what are you doing up? You should be asleep." Marshall says while he looks at the tired Shepherd. "I came in to get a drink." The shepherd responds. The shepherd walks to a blue water bowl and starts to drink the water as the other pups watch. Once Chase finishes, he yawns and stretches. "Where's Zuma?" He asks. "He must've gone for a walk; he'll be back sometime." Sweetie says lying. "Ok, let me know when he's back." The shepherd says walking back to his pup house. Tracker goes with him to make sure he goes back to sleep and soon returns. All the pups take a collective big sigh.

They all exchange glances and have the same expression on their faces. "We need to find Zuma, but how can we find him if he doesn't have a pup tag?" Marshall asks. "I don't know, we'll just have to listen for any hot tips from anyone we can trust and who knows Zuma." Tracker says. "Get some rest pups, it's been a long day and it's been a stressful day." Ryder says. They all go to their pup houses and get some rest. But 1 pup can't stop thinking about how Zuma just vanished and how worried Chase would be if he found out that Zuma is gone. That pup in particular is Marshall who can't sleep and is just spread across in his bed. He looks on a drawer and sees a picture of all the pups in their uniforms and sees Zuma with a big smile and he looks away from the photo. He lays down and slowly goes into a sleepy state and looses the thought of Zuma.

All the pups are sound asleep but in the blue pup house a Shepard is tossing and turning with a whimper escaping his muzzle. "No Zumy don't go!" He shouts. The nightmare continues as Zuma is bleeding on the ground with a knife in his chest with Chase on his chest crying. "I need you Zumy please don't go." He says. A talk, black figure rushes up with a shiny object and just before it strikes Chase he wakes up from his nightmare with a gasp and heavy breathing. He looks around his pup house and notices he safe inside his pup house and he just had a bad dream. He gets up and walks out to the orange pup house and finds the door wide up. "Zumy?" He asks. He looks inside and finds it empty and his pup tag is on the bed along with his collar. "Zumy?!" He shouts. He looks all over his pup house but can't find anything that could lead to a clue.

"Chase what are you doing?" A voice is heard approaching. The shepherd sees Ryder walking up wide awake and looking concerned for the shepherd. "Zuma is gone and I can't find anything in his pup house, his pup tag is on the bed." Chase responds. "I'm sure he just forgot it when he went for a walk." Ryder says trying to reassure him. "He always tells me if he's going on a walk, what if he was pup-napped?" Chase asks. "Zuma's a strong pup, I'm sure if anyone can escape it's Zuma." Ryder says.

Chase just looks at Zuma's pup tag and holds it in his paw. "I just want him in my paws and cuddle him while we sleep together." He says as Ryder hugs the sad Shepherd. Chase hugs back and starts to tear up thinking the worst as happened to his Zumy "What if he..." He says not being able to finish it. "Don't think that like, he's out there, we just need to find him and bring him home," Ryder says and the two keep their embrace as the rest of the pups wake up after hearing Chase crying.

They walk up to the duo and Marshall's heart drops as he sees Chase crying and they are standing in front of Zuma's pup house. "This is not going to be good." He says in his head. Marshall is the first one to break the silence between the pups and is almost regretting to say anything. "It's ok Chase, I promise we'll get Zuma back and he's going to be in your arms once more and once we find the culprit they'll be locked away for a very long time." He says as he smiles, confident in the Paw Patrol's abilities.

"Whoever they are, they don't stand a chance against the Paw Patrol." Rocky says with renewed confidence. "Yeah, we'll show them who's boss around here and not to mess with a fellow pup." Sweetie says as she pounds a paw into the ground as she also smiles. Chase stops crying and stops hugging Ryder before he hugs the team of pups before him. He hugs Marshall last but does it for the longest. "Let's start looking," Ryder says as he smiles too, proud of his team for cheering Chase up. They all rush inside the lookout and up to the top where they put on their uniforms and line up in-front of the screen. "Paw Patrol ready for action Ryder sir!" Chase shouts with regained confidence from his team.

That's where Chapter 5 ends. Thank you all for reading and hopefully you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you next chapter.

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