Chapter 4: Taken Away

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Hey everyone, and welcome to Chapter 4 of A Match Made In Heaven!! ^^  Long awaited, I know.  Heads up though, you thought last chapter was dark, this is turned up to eleven, just be aware.  Very dark, scary shit goes down and for a while in the story now.  Have fun reading, enjoy, and remember to vote and comment what you think ^^

Zuma wakes up and opens his eyes. His eyes are lidded as they slowly adjust from the light haze they gave off. He then tries to scratch his head but is held back by something. The lab confusedly tries to pull forward with each paw but finds each one is restrained by what he could only assume are chains from the smell of iron and the cold dense feel of metal. He opens his eyes fully to see he's in the Chamber of Gold under City Hall.

"I see that you're awake ...good," a feminine voice hisses from the distance.  The voice is cold and filled with venom. It sends chills from Zuma's ears to each of his paws that are ever so tightly cradled by the cold shackles. He pulls on the chains and looks up at the women with fear shown throughout his face.

"Why...a-am I d-down here?," Zuma asks as he shakes in fear. Mayor Goodway gives a sadistic smile as she approaches the lab, her footsteps irregular and painfully slow, echoing around the chamber.  She walks in front of Zuma towering over him and looking down condescendingly before she opens her mouth to speak. "You don't need to know why, you just need to know what~," The Mayor says evilly. Zuma tilts his head in confusion as he shakes in fear. The shackles restraining his paws become colder and tighter as he moves. "Jus...just don' me," The lab begs as he begins to shiver. There's a cold, dead silence, without warning the mayor jabs her fist into Zuma's stomach making him cough up blood. "You don't command me, I'm here to make your life a living hell faggot!!," The mayor screams, slowly putting her hand into her purse and pulling out something shiny and sliver. Zuma looks at it since he has a particular attraction to shiny things. Just he's still very nervous and scared of what will happen.

"You love the feeling of being wet, don't you?" Goodway asks which is met with a nervous but still excited nod from the lab. The shiny object turns into a serrated edge with a dark hand reveals itself to be a knife. "Yeah, I love the feeling of being wet," Zuma says as he smiles. Sure, he sees the knife, but it's overshadowed by his love for water. "Then you'll love the feeling of warm wet blood dripping down your body as I cut you slowly," Mayor Goodway says as she laughs like a maniac.

This changes Zuma's feelings again. He's once again afraid of what will happen to him. Right now, he wishes more than ever to be with Chase. The Mayor gives a chuckle as she places the tip of the knife lightly on Zuma throat. "Fear can make people do many things to themselves and others. Tell me how you would feel if I killed your mother, kill your father, kill your owner, kill your friends ...or killed Chase?! I'd kill him in the very thing you love because I'd drown him and make you watch!! NO, I'D MAKE YOU HOLD HIM DOWN UNDER THE WATER AND MAKE YOU KILL HIM!!!!!," The Mayor says as her eyes turn entirety red. She snatches hold of his ear and yanks the lab forward. "What...a-are you g-g-gonna me?" Zuma asks as bawls his out eyes as he winces in pain from having his ear yanked so violently. The knife she is holding scrapes against the inside of Zuma's ear as she drags it to his cheek.

"You'll find out, at another time.  Heheh, right now you're not moving an inch, so I have nothing to fear!  But you should, oooohhh you really should be oh so FUCKING AFRAID!!," The Mayor says before storming off, leaving the pup where he sits.  As she walks away, Zuma whispers to himself in his mind.  "I really hope you and the other can find me Chase."

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