Chapter 3: Sweetie Becomes Part Of The Team

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Hey everyone, welcome to Chapter 3. Some of it is the same while some of it isn't. Enjoy, but don't forget to Vote an Comment.

The next morning, a certain girl pup is watching from behind a bush.

"Those two really fucking disgust me. Gay people have no place here on this Earth. It goes against everything that we were put on here for. The LGBTQ community is a bunch of disgusting shit that should have never been created! Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I have to get Chase to break out of this so he can be with me. And I have the perfect plan for it. Just as long as it goes according to plan...You will be mine you motherfucking faggot and disgrace of this Earth Chase Shepherd!!!! I'll make sure of it!!!," Skye thinks to herself as she walks back to the Lookout to put her plan into action.

It takes her 20 minutes to do so because of her short legs, but once there, she goes into her pup house and sets everything up that she needs to. She begins to sweat and grin devilishly. Nothing will ever come between her interests. Or God forbid they will pay. Once she's done setting up, she runs back to the beach.

Once there, she sees the pair are still asleep as Skye walks over to Chase and begins to drag him along the beach. Her plan is in full swing now. This will definitely work to have him for her own. Nothing will stop her from fulfilling her dreams. Ryder won't even stop her. At least that's what she thinks anyway.

Chase wakes up 30 minutes later to find himself bound to a bed with his paws and legs tied to a bed. He then looks in horror at the mirror next to him as he sees that there's a ball gag in his mouth. In complete fear, he screams through the gag and begs to be released. Just then, Chase's ears perk up as he hears a door open and close. He then looks to the door and watches the latch unlock and open to reveal...a bitch that he's hated for years now...Skye.

"Nice to finally see that my play toy is finally awake~," Skye says in lust. "You're going to wish you were never gay in your entire life~~~!!! Time to pay you bastard~~!!!" Chase screams in horror as he watches Skye walk close to him and once right next to the bed, she hops onto it and sits on Chase's chest. "You are going to be mine whether you like it or not you faggot~~," she says before backing herself towards Chase's somehow hard dick that has a cock ring on it. Chase then screams bloody murder as he feels himself go inside of Skye's dripping wet pussy. He can't believe that his own friend would not only bind him to a bed, and gag him, but to also rape him, it throws all respect he ever had for her away.

Thankfully though, someone heard Chase's loud scream. Tracker did and immediately went to Ryder and tells him that he heard a scream of bloody murder come from Skye's pup house. Ryder knew Tracker wouldn't joke around so the two go to said pup house, walk inside, and go to the room where Tracker heard the scream. He then kicks open the door and is horrified by what he sees. He sees Chase struggling as he's bound to a bed, gagged, and being raped by Skye.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?!?," Ryder asks he catches Skye's attention, slamming open the door against the wall, nearly breaking the door. "He's getting what he deserves Ryder~~!! There's absolutely no room on this Earth for gay people. Especially not gay pups~~!!," Skye says firmly and continues to rape Chase... This makes Ryder furious. He walks over to Skye and pulls her off of Chase. Not without a struggle anyway, but he's much stronger and puts a muzzle on her mouth.

"You know...I thought I could entrust you as one of my loyal pups. Turns out that I was's off to the dog pound for you...I can't...," Ryder says as he tags Skye's pup tag off. "You've gone way out of line doing this and thinking it's okay. You'll immediately be replaced by Sweetie. After she turned good, she's been waiting for a spot on the team. Well...she's going to receive your position. I just can't have this happen no more. Tracker, help Chase while I take this evil away from our home," Ryder orders as he walks out of the room.

Tracker nods as he helps Chase out. He unbinds him, takes the gag out of his mouth, and takes off the cock ring. Once out of everything, Chase immediately hugs Tracker tightly and begins balling up a storm. He has never felt so violated or misused in his entire life. Marshall, Tuck, Ella, Rocky, Rubble, and Everest hear this and come to check it out. They watch as Tracker did everything, he can do to calm him down.

It works as Chase falls asleep once again in Tracker arms. Marshall takes Chase and carries him out of the pup house while the rest tear the equipment up and give it to Rocky. Then Rocky takes Skye's pup house and revamps it to match Sweetie, which takes two hours for him to do. Once finished, it was perfect timing as the pup in question shows up.

"Hehe that's some nice paint work Rocky. I really love it," Sweetie says before nuzzling the mix. Rocky blushes as he's happy Sweetie is on their side now. "It's no trouble and inside you'll find a brand new pup bed, your own bathroom, a mini fridge full of juice and water, an automatic food bowl and water bowl that will fill up when empty, temperature control next to tour bed to set the warmth or coolness of your entire pup house, some fresh new blankets, a bookshelf full of books, movies, CD's, A TV stand with a Blu-Ray DVD player, and 65 inch TV," Rocky says happily as he wags his tail. Sweetie grins and blushes as well. "Damn, well I'm going to go make myself at home in my new pup house. Right after I show..." "Fuck off you stupid asshole," Skye shouts before Animal Control tranquilizes her and take her away. "Ryder, I'm uh... h-here," Sweetie says as she scratches her head. "Yeah uh...Sorry about that pups," Ryder says as he walks up to them. "She was out of control and trying to kill me.". The two just go over and hug him. However, one thing crosses their minds. Where the hell is Zuma?

Cliffhanger once again hehe sorry not sorry.

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