Chapter 8 One month later

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Author's note Warning this contains a graphic birth, male lactation and I don't own Centarword it belongs to Netflix!

A month later Right was still in his cell and he was laying in bed very bored as he felt his baby kick weakly and moved slowly and he sighed as he felt the baby move and he sighed and he rubbed his belly softly.

"It's ok baby it's ok" Right whispered as he suddenly saw a member of the CCC walk in and plop his food on his bed.

"Eat up" said he said and his name was Mortdecai Booker and he looked frustrated and annoyed. This made Right glare at him but he ate his food with a grumble.

"This food taste like probably is sh-" Mordecai suddenly punched him in the flesh part of his face and Right cried out and covered his belly protectively.

"You're so lucky Bill wants you alive~" he snarled and he threw his food onto the floor and slammed the cell door shut and locked it and he left. "FUCK YOU AND FUCK HIM AND FUCK ALL OF YOU!" Right screamed

He had enough of being there and he was extremely stressed out and his blood pressure was high.

"YOU ALL CAN ROT IN H-AHHHH!" Right screamed as he suddenly doubled over and held his belly as his legs quivered. 'W-what's happening to me?!' Right screamed in his head.

He suddenly felt something pop and wet run down his legs and he looked and his face paled. "No no no n-ah!" Right panicked on the bed was a lot of blood.

"Oh god please no!" Right screamed and he got comfortable on the bed and was scared since the baby stopped moving. "Emery?...Emmy?! Emery please kick or do someth-ah!" Right cried out and he sobbed hard and shook hard.

He felt his contractions getting very fast and extremely painful. "Please be ok Emery!" Right sobbed and he removed his blood soaked pants and underwear.

Soon the contractions were so painful and so strong Right gripped the blanket underneath his body tightly and bore down and pushed his baby out with no medical help or prenatal care. And oh god it really, REALLY hurt!

"Ngh! Ahhhhh!" Right screamed as he struggled hard to push the baby out with his legs quivering hard.

Soon he felt a tiny head crown behind his ball sack and he panted feeling so scared and stressed out. "God! Please come out already!!" Right screamed and he pushed hard and sweated very hard.

As he pushed Bill watched thought his camera and smiled darkly. "That's a good boy~ keep going~" he whispered softly and watched Right's misery.

Soon the baby's head was out and was super small and it had gills! "Oh my god Emery! What did he do to you?!" Right screamed as he continued to push. "I swear I won't let him do anymore experiments on y-ahhhhh!"

Right now felt a shoulder out and then the other and he knew this meant he was almost done. "God I really wish your father was here!"

He carefully grabbed the baby's body and pulled as he gave one finally push and screamed collapsing on the bed panting hard. But something wasn't right...Emery wasn't breathing!

"No no no! Don't do this to me Emery!" Right quickly sat back up with a wince and performed CPR.

But Emery still didn't breathe and Right continued to do it as he panicked. "Come on Emmy breathe!" Right screamed. Again nothing happened and his eye welled up with tears and his cybernetic one formed a broken heart.

" Emery I'm so sorry for this I didn't mean for this~" Right whispered as he kisses his head and sobbed hard.

"I'm so sorry~ I'm so sorry....I'M SO SORRY!" Right rocked back and forth in tears, pressing his baby against his chest feeling so broken hearted for his baby's death.

"Squeak~" a barely auditable noise was suddenly heard and Right froze up and carefully pulled the baby from his chest to look at his new baby boy.

"Squeak~" the baby squeaked and wiggled weakly as he let out a very weak cry and Right's heart melted as he sobbed for joy. "Shh, shh it's ok mommy's here~" Right whispered as he held Emery close to his chest.

You're ok, you're alright~ I will never ever leave your side. I will stay, I will fight with you~

Aah-aah, aah ooh~

Aah-aah, aah ooh~

You're ok, you're alright~ I'll stay here through the darkest night. All the way I will fight, with you~

This made Emery's squeaks stop and the baby calmed down and relaxed and hiccupped very softly.

"Aww it's ok my baby boy~ Right cooed softly and Bill got up and walked to Right's cell gesturing two doctor's to follow him and they  followed him with dark smiles.

"You want some milk~?" Right cooed and he unbuttoned his sweat covered shirt. Then he helped Emery to his nipple and Emery latched on and suckled weakly and grabbed his finger very weakly.

"Aww now that's so adorable~" Right jumped and looked up and trembled hard Bill was at the cell door with two doctors Right next to him.

"Bill no please don't take him" Right begged as tears welled up in his eyes. "Oh shut up~" Bill cooed and he unlocked his cell and walked over with the doctors behind him. "Bill please n-" Right was suddenly pined by Bill.

This startled Emery and he wailed weakly as a doctor took him. "No! Give me back my baby!"

But Bill ignored him and they left and Right cried hard. "Reg please save us we need you" Right whispered and he sobbed hard feeling so broken hearted from Bill's evil behavior.

Right then curled up a ball and hugged himself tightly and shook hard. "Reg please hurry up" He cried as he heard emery's wails.

Emery August Mustang Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant