Chapter 9: To the rescue!

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Meanwhile the clan had reached their destination and Reg wasn't very happy with Bill. In fact he was going to murder him. No one and I mean no one was going to mess with his family and get away with it.

"Already everyone this is a rescue and I don't want to lose any of you~" Reg spoke in a calm but firm voice. "Yes sir" everyone said with a nod and were ready to go.

"Good now everyone stay safe and if you find Bill, bring to me~" Reg whispered as he grew dark.

"Yes sir" everyone repeated and soon the ship landed and they all slipped into the building with ease. 'You're gonna regret messing with the Tophats Bill~'

Reg thought as he went to find his husband and what he thought his unborn child.

Meanwhile Emery was wailing weakly as a doctor examined him and touched him all over. "How is the experiment?" Asked a fellow doctor. "Fine all though he's very small and his genitalia is very tiny" he responded.

"And I heard him squeak a little bit" said another. "Well he is now part axolotl and this what Bill wanted" said the doctor who was examining Emery with a frown on his face.

"True and his tail is long like Bill wanted so the experiment went well and was a success" Bill said walking in.

"Now let me see my baby~" he cooed, holding his arms out for Emery. "Here sir he's been examined and he's all heathly and only two pounds and one ounce" "excellent job and I will give you all a big check in that room over there."

Bill pointed to a room and they nodded and Bill smiled following them. "Here we are~" he snarled and he suddenly shut the door as gas filled the room.

"Bill what the hell?!" One shouted he banged on the door as they all started to cough and choke on the gas.

"You honestly thought I would let you all go our free? Never! Now that you helped me with this experiment you can't never escape from here!" Bill shouted as he laughed insanely and Emery wailed hard as he could.

As he laughed the doctors soon collapsed and their lives were taken away by a man who completely it.

"Waaa~ waaaaa~" poor little Emery wailed and he wets himself and Bill smiled at the tiny baby. "There, there my little experiment~ one day you'll be a strong and powerful creature!"

He held Emery over his head and Emery wailed harder wanting his mommy and daddy terribly. "Waaa~ waaaa~" he continued to cry as Right was still in his cell every upset and very drained from trying to escape his cell.

'I need to get out! my baby needs me!' Right screamed in his head and he felt so tired but felt determined to get his baby boy back.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and he growled getting ready to grab something to protect himself from any CCC worker.

"Boss!" It was suddenly Mr. Macbeth and he was very excited to see Right. "Macbeth!" Right explained with and smiled in relief. "Are you are o-" Macbeth suddenly noticed his belly and panicked a little.

"Sir where's the baby? Is it..." he was too afraid to say the rest. "No! but Bill has him" Macbeth I need to save him I'm his mother!"

"But Boss you-" "shut up! Let me out and I'll save my baby!" Right interrupted with a frown and his cybernetic eye formed a skull and cross bones and glowed a deep red. "Ok boss" Macbeth said and he sledgehammered the lock.

And it broke the lock and Right ran out with a wince and Macbeth followed behind him. 'Hold one Emmy, mommy's coming~' Right whispered in his head as he ran to save his baby.

Meanwhile Emery was put in a crib and was fussing for his parents as Bill was looking at him.

"Aww why are you so fussy~" he cooed softly and he wasn't having it. Suddenly he heard the door slam open and Right stood there beyond pissed.

"Bill give me my baby and I'll spare you~" Right whispered in a threatening tone which scared Macbeth. "No I think I'll ke-" Bill was suddenly cut off by Right suddenly in front of him and holding him up by his throat.

"H-Hayden please don't I-" "shut up~ just rot in hell~" Right whispered as he gripped his throat so tight Bill couldn't breathe. This made Bill struggle until he went limp in his grip.

"Good boy~" Right cooed and he threw his body away. Then he looked at his baby as his cybernetic eye changed to a heart. "Squeak?" Emery squeaked softly.

He opened his eyes and looked at Right with his bright red eyes. He let out a soft squeak melting Right's heart.

"That's my boy~" Right whispered and he picked his baby up and kissed his head and cradled him close. He and Macbeth then walked to the clan who suddenly ran to then and help him stand and walk to the ship.

Soon they flew off and Right was taken to the infirmary and he and Emery were examined by the doctor. "Ok the baby is ok but very small for his size."

"His name is Emery" Right said while he held Reg's hand who looked so happy and so shocked with what happened to his husband and child and worried about his son's future.

"Will he grow to be a normal child?" Reg asked sadly. "Only time will tell" the doctor replied. This made Reg sigh and Right concerned about him.

"Are you Reg?" He asked softly "yeah....I'll talk to you about it later" Reg whispered softly.

This made Right nod and he was handed his baby and Reg wheeled them back to their room and Reg took Emery in his arms and sat in bed as Right laid down and fell asleep exhausted.

Emery August Mustang Where stories live. Discover now