Chapter 10: "...It's gonna be alright"

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Author's note Warning this contains male lactation

Later when Right woke up he found Reg's feet by his face and he chuckled softly and crawled down to where Reg was and saw him watching their tiny baby sleep peacefully on his belly.

"You should be sleeping when he is~" Right whispered, cuddling with Reg closely and Reg looked upset about it.

"Reg? What's wrong?" Right asked softly and he felt concerned about Reg's behavior. "It's nothing Hayden" Reg whispered as he watched their baby make a noise and jump and looked very worried about Emery.

"Reg are you worried about Emery?" Right asked when he saw Reg's sudden reaction. Reg looked at him and then back at Emery silently.

"Reg, love look at me~" Right whispered and he cupped Reg's cheek and make him look at him with a comforting smile. "What's wrong love?" Right questioned as he stroked Reg's cheek. "I...I'm scared for Emery's life and his future" Reg admitted.

"Oh Reggie~" Right cooed softly, he sighed softly and kissed Reg's head and rubbed his back in a soothe way. This made Reg's eyes fill up with tears.

He cried softly and Right pulled him close and shushed him softly and kissed his head and tears as they fell.

"He's ok and everything is ok, it's going to be alright~" Right whispered and Reg slowly calmed down and relaxed in Right's embrace. "Thank you love~" Reg whispered softly as he calmed down.

"You're welcome Reggie~" Right cooed softly and he looked at their calm and sleeping baby.

The next day they were cuddling asleep in bed when Emery woke up crying and squeaking for his breakfast. "Ok, ok hold on baby boo~" Right said with a smile as he got up and went to his crib and pick him up and rocks him.

This made Emery stop crying and squeaking and he felt wet. "Aww does mommy's little boy have a wet bum-bum~" Right said as he laid him on his changing table.

He then took his diaper off and smile as he grabbed a fresh clean one but then frowned. He forgot all about Emery's long axloto tail,

"Oh shit now what do I do?" He scratched his head in confusion and Emery wagged his tail and squeaked.

"Heh I know baby I-" suddenly Emery peed in the air with a grunt and he soaked Right's chest and himself and cried feeling very uncomfortable with that and Right sighed with a smile.

"It's ok baby it's ok~" he cooed softly and he kissed his head and wipes them both clean. This make Emery whine but calmed down and relaxed.

And suddenly Right got a great idea and he measured Emery's tail and cut a hole in the back of the diaper.

"There we go" he said with a smile and he put he tail carefully through the hole and the diaper on his now calm baby. "There now that's so much better~" Right cooed and he holds Emery close as the baby's belly growled.

"Squeak squeak~" Emery squeaked for his food and Right smiled and went back to the bed and removed his pee stained pj top and guided Emery to his nipple.

This made Emery squeak and nuzzled his chest and latched onto his nipple and suckled softly.

"There we go~ eat up and grow up big and strong~" Right whispered and he rocked his baby softly and hummed softly as well while the very tiny baby nursed very calm and relaxed.

As Emery nursed Right thought about what happened to them and wasn't going to let anything else happen.

'I swear on my life no one and I mean no one will hurt you again Emery' Right said in his head and the baby looked at him as he ate. "Squeak?" Emery squeaked.

This made Right smile and kiss his head softly. "I guess I should tell you who I am and where we are huh, Emmy?" "Squeak!" Emery squeaked like he was saying "yes!" making Right softly and his cybernetic eye formed a heart.

"Well I'm your mommy and we're on a organization called The Tophat Clan and they're leader is your daddy."

Right cooed softly and he continued to rock his baby and held him closely. "I love you my baby~" Right whispered as he saw his baby yawn and snuggled close to his chest.

This made Right smile and kiss him and get up and put him in his crib and went to shower. As he showered, Reg walked in and plop on his bed tired.

'I hate riots~' he thought as he moaned in exhaustion. A sudden soft squeak made him smile and he crawled over and looked at his son who was sleeping in his crib which was at the end of the bed and smile.

"Aww there's my boy~ tomorrow I'll show you to everyone cause they wanna see you~" Reg cooed softly and he watched his baby sleep. "They'll love you like me and mommy do."

This made Right smile as he walked over and get dressed. "He's so adorable and so sweet" he commented.

"He is~" Reg whispered and he pats his boy's tiny head and Emery wagged his tail and moved his gills up and down in happiness as he slept.

This made both parents smile and watch him sleep and kissed each other. "I love you Reggie~" "and I love you, Hayden" Reg whispered and  he leaned on his shoulder and watched their son sleep with a calm expression.

"He's going to be a great Tophat one day~" Right whispered and he yawned and reg pulled him close.

"How about we nap while he does?" Reg questioned and he helped Right to the right side of the bed and covered them both with the blanket. "Sounds good" Right whispered and he nods off.

Soon followed behind him. As they slept they felt do complete and were ready for this new addition to their family.

The end~

Emery August Mustang Where stories live. Discover now