1. No Good Deed

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A/N: This part takes place at the start of Infinity War.

Your POV

I was hiding on the ship Thanos had just invaded. Nearly all of the Asgardians were killed and the only ones I had with me were a sorceress, Bruce, Heimdall, Thor (who had just been beaten to a pulp) and Loki. Thanos had the Tesseract, now the space stone and it seemed Loki was happy to join his side. But I never lost faith in him.

From around a corner, I listened to their conversation with Bruce and the sorceress hiding behind me.

"If I might interject", Loki said, "If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."

"If you consider failure experience", Thanos muttered.

"I consider experience experience", Loki told him, "Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson... The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."

I looked closely and noticed a dagger in Loki's hand. Always got a trick up your sleeve... please let this work.

He tried to stab Thanos but he caught the dagger before Loki could plunge it into his chest and grabbed Loki by the neck. That was the moment I knew we were done for.

"'Undying'. You need to chose your words more carefully", Thanos taunted him.

Thanos tightened his grip on Loki's neck and I felt my heart breaking as he did, almost as if I could feel Loki's pain. It took all the strength I had not to cry out in agony with Loki.

Just before Thanos snapped his neck, Loki told him, "You.. will never be... a god."

I covered my mouth to suppress my howls of sorrow as Thanos carelessly threw him across the room like a ragdoll, where we were. I immediately went over to him. I didn't care if it blew our cover. I needed to be with Loki. One last time.

"Y/n", he whimpered, "I'm... so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Loki", I told him in a hushed voice, trying to hold my tears back and failing horribly, "You'll be alright. I promise."

I was lying to both of us.

As I was holding onto Loki as if grabbing onto his very life, the sorceress spoke up, "Wait. I can keep him with you."

"What? What do you mean?", I asked her desperately.

"His body is beyond repair but I can save his soul if...", she trailed off.

In my panic and sorrow, I told her, "I don't care, just do it!"

She nodded and started performing a spell. I had Loki's hands in mine and as she performed the spell, I could feel something. Something running through my veins all the way to my breaking heart.

When the spell was done, I looked down at his body and started weeping. In that moment, it felt as if my whole universe was shattered into oblivion and I couldn't do anything to save it.

Heimdall came towards me and Bruce.

"You must go. You must warn Midgard of Thanos. You haven't a moment to lose", he told us.

"What about you?", I asked.

"If Asgard shall go down, I shall go down with it", he said. It was so stoic, I almost felt like saluting him.

Before we knew it, Bruce and I were travelling back to Earth through the Bifrost, praying that the others would survive while knowing deep down, that was near impossible.

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