6. Addict

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(Y/n's POV)

Stuff like that would continue throughout the next 5 weeks leading up to homecoming: I'd see Peter and MJ being cute at school, get extremely jealous, Liz would get in my head, and then I'd come home and go on a Jealousy Bender (as I liked to call them) with Loki all night.

Every morning I'd wake up and all my veins would be an even darker green. I decided I'd see what was going on with my blood and it turned out that there was some kind of plasma in my blood that was toxic. There wasn't a known name for it so I just called Jealoki. With some research I did on the weekend, I discovered that it did have a poisonous quality to it but it wouldn't kill me until there was enough in my bloodstream. All I had to do was stay away from Loki.

Though it was vital, it was an impossible feat to achieve. I'd like to see you stay away from the demon god trapped in your head who you're in love with and feeds off your jealousy when you've been spending your whole day seeing your best friend flirt with your crush. Impossible.

Due to my strange use on the system while researching Jealoki, Dad had been giving me a few calls that went along the lines of;

"Y/n, did you just search up 'toxic blood diseases'?"

"... Um, I- I don't think I did? You sure it wasn't FRIDAY? Whenever she's on the fritz, she usually googles weird stuff."

"Stop trying to blame things on your sister."


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Dad, I'm fine. Why are you so worried about me these days?"

"Sorry, it's just a little worrying when you find out your daughter might have a toxic blood disease."

"And you wondered why I wanted to move out of the compound when school went back."


I have to lie to them. I've always made a huge deal of being independant and I'd look like an ass if I had to come crying to them again to clean up another one of my messes. Besides, I've got it all under control.

In hindsight, I did not have it under control. The green was getting worse every day and it always made me feel tired. Whenever I'm tired, I'm antisocial... I think you can see how this loops back around.

I was stuck in this stupid poisonous petty cycle because of my stubbornness and foolish need for responsibility.

The one night I think I got some relief from the toxicity of it all (except the blood) was the night of Liz's party before Homecoming, just like last.. time.

I will never understand you, Loki said while I was getting into my outfit for the party.

No you will not, my demon prince, I said flirtatiously before I emerged from the bathroom.

I saw his eyes widen when he saw me and it made me smirk.

He then blinked and asked, Is that really what you're wearing?

I nodded. He asked, Isn't that quite... revealing?

Oh, I love it when you get possessive. And don't sweat it, babes. It's not like I'm letting them see everything, I winked.

Honestly, I did have some reservations about what I was wearing. Not only was it was very 'out of character' for me, so to speak but it also showed off my concerningly green veins. I could only hope that the party would be dimly and colourfully lit enough that no one would notice. 

Fine. But do I have to come too?, Loki asked.

Well, who the hell am I gonna talk to if you don't?, I retorted, Any more questions?

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