9. Sober Up

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(Y/n's POV)

I'd spent the past month in the hospital recovering. Physically and emotionally. I still missed him. Peter visiting often helped though. He brought flowers every time he came. Soon, my room started to look like a celebrity's grave. I was going to get discharged soon when he came by again... with more flowers.

"Hi, Peter", I greeted him from my bed.

"Hey, y/n", he waved, handing me the flowers. This time, it was a small bouquet of pink roses.

"Y'know, I appreciate all the flowers, they really mask the gross sickness smell but if you don't stop soon, I'm gonna drown in these things" I joked.

"Sorry about that. But you know how worried I've been", he said, "I hope you don't mind me asking but... what happened at homecoming."

"Oh boy. Brace yourself, underoos", I said before telling him everything I told dad, leaving out the parts about me having a crush on him.

When I finished, he paused before saying, "Y'know, if I wasn't just dead for 5 years, I probably wouldn't believe you. But here we are. But why were you jealous of MJ?"

I looked down and said, "Oh god. I guess you were gonna find out sooner or later. Ugh, it's because I have a crush on you, Peter. A stupid, hopeless, mind-numbing crush because... well, you're Peter! And I know you and MJ are dating, I'm not trying to change that, but you at least ought to know. That's why I was jealous of MJ and that's why I nearly died! Because of my stupid emotions!"

"Woah", Peter said with his eyes wide, "Gosh, y/n, I didn't know you-... Wait, did you just say me and MJ are dating?"

That was when my eyes widened, "Aren't you?"

"Well, kinda. We were trying it out to see how it felt but we weren't anymore by Homecoming", he explained, "God, I'm so sorry. I had no idea that was why you felt so awful."

"Oh my god... Don't apologise, underoos!", I laugh to hold back the tears, "You are too cute, you know that."

I saw Peter blushing a little.

"So, since you and MJ aren't dating anymore, does that mean you're back on the market?", I asked, trying my hardest to sound smooth.

"Uh, yeah?...", he said, oblivious, "Wait, did you mean-?"

I laughed again, "Yes, Peter. So, do I have the honour or do I have to nearly kill myself again?"

"No! I-I mean, yeah, you-I wanna date you. Um, oh god", we both stared laughing at our pathetic attempts at flirting.

"Sweet. I guess there is such a thing as happy endings", I said to him.

"I guess so", he replied.

He may not be in my head but at least we both know what it's like to be super kids. And I think that would be enough.

A/N: Sorry this is kinda a weak ending but I'm just about done with this book and I needed a bow to tie it up with so, even this bow is absolutely tiny and almost useless, at least it doesn't mean the story ends with everyone sad.

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