After Party

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About an hour after the game we all headed out to a local bar to celebrate. The bar was small and crowded but we all managed to fit inside. We all ordered rounds after rounds of drinks and got absolutely shit faced. At one point Jack and Mason were on top of the bar pouring champagne into Declan's mouth.

It was a fun night to say the least. Well, it was up until I saw Jack speaking to one of the bar maids. I didn't suspect anything because or what happened the night before, but I was still jealous. I glanced over occasionally and he was still engrossed in a conversation with her, laughing. I decided to leave and head back to the hotel i didn't want people to see me being jealous over something so small. So that's what I did, I left. I told Southgate where I was going, just incase people thought I've vanished with a stranger.

I arrived back at the hotel and I got changed into my underwear, and took off my makeup before climbing into bed. The second I fell asleep I was awoken by loud crashing in the hall of the hotel room. He must be back. I went and looked round the corner, but I didn't see Jack, it was mason and some random girl from the bar. "Mason what are you doing here?" I sighed tiredly. He looked over at me and his eyes widened "fuck I am so sorry I thought this was a free room". I shook my head and shoved the two of them out of my room. "The free room is two doors down, go in there" i rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut.

I climbed back into the warm comfort of my bed and fell asleep again. The morning after I woke up with a banging headache. And a lack of Grealish inside my bed for once. I wonder why he didn't come back? I shrugged off all negative thoughts and washed my face, too lazy for a shower. I changed into comfy clothes and headed down the hall to Declan's room. I knocked on the door loudly so he could hear me. The answer was quick and I walked inside without permission. "Wheres jack?" I frowned. "Why would i know" he rolled his eyes and yawned.

"You were with him last?" I scoffed
"Yes but I don't know where he is, you should ask Phil"
I shrugged and walked to Phils room the answer was the same, he hadn't seen jack either. I began to worry. My memory went back to bar maid he was speaking to, maybe he went home with her? the coach to the airport comes soon so i can ask him then.

A few hours later the coach arrived and so did Jack, he looked messy and tired. i didn't want to bother him with my suspicions this early in the morning so i left it and got on the coach.
The journey to the airport was long since i had no one to speak to, but I got through it eventually.

We went through security and boarded the plane, Jack sat himself next to me and gave me a stern look. "Why are you ignoring me?" He asked curiously. "Why didn't you come to the room?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I was with Phil" he lied. He fucking lied to me? How dare he. "I've already asked everyone and they all said they weren't with you, cut out the lies I'm fucking sick of it." I shouted at him angrily, i don't want to deal with him when he lies to me, it's pathetic.

"Okay, I was asleep in the bar.. I'm sorry" he said softly, almost honestly. I nodded and shrugged off the incident since i dont want to deal with it anymore, the stress is too much for me.

A few hours later we were back in England, we all headed our separate ways, Jack and I went to my house to relax after the long week we had. I went upstairs quickly and jumped straight into bed. I was tired, so tired. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow and I sunk into a dream. I dreamt that jack had slept with the waitress from last night and that's why he wasn't at the hotel room. The awful dream shocked me awake two hours later.

I lay back in the bed and stop thinking about the incident and the dream. I'd rather believe he was a changed man and not a sex mad maniac. I heard him grunt from downstairs so I made my way down to see what the problem was. "Jack what's wrong?" I shout from half way down the stairs. "Come help me unpack this suitcase please" he shouted back. I nodded and ran down the steps and helped him unpack. "Jack.. I have something to ask you" I sighed

"Yes baby?" He said softly, causing my words to stutter. "You didn't sleep with anyone else while we were away did you?" I asked concerned. He shook his head and sighed "I fell asleep in the bar, nothing happened alright? I swear to you" he wrapped his arms round me and sighed. I nodded and brushed it off yet again, heading upstairs to shower. "I'm going to freshen up, I'll be back down here later alright?" I smiled and ran upstairs as he nodded.

I hopped into the shower and shaved my legs, quickly interrupted by a beep on my phone. I checked it from out of the shower door. It was from someone called "Marissa" I opened the message which read:

"Hey girly, your boyfriend is amazing in bed. Thanks for sharing xo"

My heart sank, he lied to me yet again. I let out a soft sob before heading back into the shower, sitting myself on the floor. I cant believe this, I really cant..

a/n: that was a twist! I hope jack can confess what he's done before it's too late.

- sorry for being gone for so long yet again, I'm so busy with college work! :(

Lots of love, stay safe!

One Night - Jack GrealishHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin