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I stayed sitting in the shower, crying to myself softly for around 10 minutes. Then I cleared my head and carried on showering. Trying to not think of Jack and his lies again. I decided o wasn't going to confront him straight away, I was going to let him believe everything's fine, and break him when he least expects it.

I headed into my bedroom and changed into a pair of tight shorts and a crop top, I wanted to make him think about why I wont let him touch me, even when I'm wearing something as revealing as this. I quickly clamped my hair up with a claw clip, sprayed my favourite perfume and deodorant on and made my way downstairs. I watched him eye me up and down as I walked towards the sofa. I ignored him, sat down and crossed my legs.

"You look good" he smirked and placed his hand on my thigh. I side eyed him and let out a rude 'mhm'. He didn't notice, sliding his hand up my thigh. I pushed his hand off and smiled, walking to the kitchen to try and avoid him. Every time i looked at him I thought of the Marissa bitch he fucked the night after I finally let him have his way with me.

"Baby?" He smirked again, following me. Wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning round to kiss my neck. I leant my hands on the counter and fed into his kisses. "Jack." I spat. Turning to face him slightly. "Yes?" He kissed along my jaw and felt around the waist band of my shorts, tugging on the drawstrings. "Who the fuck is Marissa?" I smirked softly, watching his face drop in the window reflection. "What?" He gasped, trying to hold himself together.

I span and faced him, folding my arms and frowning softly "You heard me. Who the fuck is she jack?".

He shot me a confused look. "How do you know about her?" He placed his hand on the table beside him. "I'm the one asking questions. Who is she." I demanded. "She's my ex.. did Phil tell you about her?" He asked again, curiously.. almost frightened.

"No, Jack." I laughed. "Phil didn't tell me anything" I smiled slightly. "Oh.. then-" he tried to speak, I cut him off suddenly. "She told me herself, she said you're good in bed." i leant myself against the counter, frowning at him angrily. "Well.. did she lie?" He winked, trying to make light of the situation. Ignoring him I spat aggressively "she also said 'thanks for sharing'. I don't see why you're laughing since you're a fucking cheater, Grealish."

"We're not even together, it's a deal." He said angrily. Causing me to flinch at his words. "And no, I didn't 'cheat' on you. I haven't even fucking been near her for over three years nevermind have her crawl into my bed got me to fuck her!" He shouted and slammed his hand down on the kitchen counter.

I stood there for a moment, still shocked at his choice of words. 'We're not even together.. it's a deal'. His words cut through me like a knife. "You're right, we're not together. I don't even know why I bother with you." I pulled my phone out and went onto Instagram, messaging Marissa.

Hey girly, your boyfriend is amazing in bed. Thanks for sharing xo

You're welcome babe, mind it's not really sharing if he was never mine to begin with. Enjoy him

I shown jack the message I sent, watching his eyes glide accross the screen slowly. "Pack ur shit and get the fuck out of my house" I smiled sarcastically.

"Are you not listening to me? I didnt fuck her." He sighed. "I promise you Isabella, you're the only one I want" he walked closer to me, and I dodged him. "You said it yourself, we're not really together. So pack your shit and go back to your happy little life in your huge fucking house and leave me the fuck alone until you need someone for a publicity stunt" I wiped the tears that were now streaming down my face.

"Isabella I didn't mean that- I mean.. it's the truth, we're not really together-" he paused before finishing the rest of his sentence, realising he's making it worse for himself. "Okay, I'll go. I'll message you in the morning." He leant over and kissed me on the forehead. I stood there, still. Emotionless. Surprisingly this was one of the hardest things I had to do. Kicking a man out of my house.. I'm really upset over this? I laughed to myself softly, still wiping the streaming tears. Waiting for jack to come downstairs with his bags.

And there he was, dressed. Ready to leave me. "Bye baby" he smiled before leaving the house. I followed him to the door, not saying anything to him I slammed it in his face and locked it. I held myself together until he drove off, and then I burst into tears yet again. I lay on my sofa, crying softly. Waiting for him to message me. I slowly realised that wasn't going to happen. So I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

a/n: again I'm sorry for the wait, this is another short chapter but I didn't want to drag this one out since it's one of the sadder ones :')

-thank you for reading yet again :)

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