Chapter 9

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I woke the next morning feeling refreshed and happy. I was naked and tangled in the sheets. I reached for Gabe, but he wasn't there. As I stretched out my body, my mind seemed to stretch too, and I could somehow feel that Gabe was in the bathroom. I had no idea how I knew that, but I could just feel it, maybe the sounds of the shower tipped me off.

I glanced quickly at the clock on my nightstand, 9:00 A.M. I felt a bit silly for staying in bed so late, especially since there was always work to do at Illumination, even on the weekends.

With my new-found awareness of Gabe, I also knew it was time to leave Illumination. Deep in my gut, I knew that Duncan was on his way.

I headed into the closet. The muscles between my legs ached in ways I didn't know they could ache, which made me blush and smile all over again.

I grabbed my clothes out of the dresser drawers Gabe had cleared out for me, and started to fold them nicely into my duffel. I checked the side pocket for my money. Thankfully it was still there. I had no idea how I would have run with no money, but I had to pay Jaxon and Jace back for the tire. Hopefully, one day, I could come back and pay them back for everything they had done for me.

I noticed in front of my drawer Gabe had leaned his messenger bag. I moved it to get to my clothes and it fell on its side. Some of the contents spilled from the bag, including the book with the sun on the cover. I was going to stick it back in the bag quickly, but the book called to me, or at the very least, my curiosity did.

I pulled one of Gabe's t-shirts that he had lent me out of my drawer and pulled it over my head. I sat down, placing the book on to my lap. The book was heavier than I thought it would be. I opened it up to the first page and started reading.

The First Book of Truth and Light

The End is coming, not in flood and fire, not in the earth shaking or the volcanoes exploding although these occurrences will tell when the end is near. The End is coming. But to understand the End, one must first understand the beginning.

Long ago before the beginning, there were two brothers. They lived together not having mother or father, friend or lovers. Although they did not have those people, they shared something special between the two; a soul bond.

They were alone, and although they had each other and their bond, they wanted more.

The brothers decided to create a world. The First brother created light, the Second created the night.

The First created plants; trees, flowers, cacti. The Second created the weather; rain, snow, oceans, rivers, lakes.

The First created the warm-blooded animals; tigers, giraffes, elephants. The Second created the cold-blooded animals; snakes, frogs, insects, fish.

The brothers lived in harmony for millennia, until one day the Second brother decided he still wanted more.

The First wanting to make his brother happy, wanted to give his brother a gift, he saw how much his brother loved the animals and decided to make a new animal that could speak like they did and so the First created his new gift in their likeness.

When First created Man, he was unprepared for the magnitude of his creation. Man was like the brothers, but different. He did not have the powers nor the intelligence that the brothers had. Man needed things the brothers did not such as food, sleep, shelter, and most importantly, companionship.

Second seeing how destructive Man was, wanted to destroy the gift. First would not let him. Then Man did something that the Brothers had never thought to do themselves, he reproduced.

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