Chapter 10

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I skimmed through more of the book as fast as I could. The more I read, the more I realized how crazy these people were truly were. Did Gabe write this book?

This was a freaking doomsday cult! I had just slept with the next Charles Mason or David Koresh! I couldn't believe how easily I fit into this cult, what did that say about me?

I couldn't say how I felt Gabe's presence behind me, I just did. He had a white towel draped around his waist and his normal golden skin was pale. He searched my face for a clue to what I was thinking, "Alina, I wanted to tell you about this, I did. I just didn't know how you would react."

He knelt on the ground, removing the book from my lap and gathering my hands in his. "I know it looks bad, but you need to let me explain."

"You mean how the world is about to come to an end, and that you follow a God called 'The Light' and battle a god called 'the Dark'? Or maybe how this isn't a school for people like me trying to get back on their feet but a compound for a cult?" I screamed at him. I hadn't meant to, but I had trusted him. I grabbed my duffel bag and started to shove the rest of my clothes in it. "Will we be drinking Kool-aide for breakfast, Gabe?"

Gabe looked like I had slapped him, I felt horrible. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into his lap and just cuddle. If I was wrapped in his arms, nothing bad could happen to me. But then I saw the book out of the corner of my eye. Gabe had lied to me!

"Please, Alina, it's not safe for you out there. Let's just go have some breakfast and talk," he said slowly like he was speaking to a toddler. "I could even get Callie to bring some food up to us, how does that sound?"

"No, I'm leaving. If my car is not fixed, I'll walk to the nearest town. When I get where I'm going and get on my feet I'll send for my car," I said as I finished getting dressed and headed out the door. The bed was still rumpled from our tryst last night, but I didn't stop to think how wonderful it had been. I would have given just about anything to go back half an hour and not have found that stupid book. Ignorance was most definitely bliss.

I missed Gabe already. The safety, the love from my new friends, everything that was Illumination was slipping through my fingers. Was I that sick of a person that I wanted to stay here, with Gabe? Something about that book rang true in my head, and I couldn't decide if I was just so desperate for love or so scared to be by myself, that I was actually thinking this was okay!

That made me run even faster towards the door of the office, the fact that I wanted to stay here even if I didn't believe the same mumbo jumbo that the rest of them believed meant I was in over my head.

As I was running through the bedroom door, I heard a pounding knock coming from the door that led to the sitting room. Throwing open the door, Jaxon, Jace and Callie were all standing there looking scared, but awed. I stopped in my tracks, how was I going to say goodbye to these people?

With as much as they meant to me, I knew if I stopped, I would give in. Gabe was right behind me, having thrown on a pair of jeans and nothing else.

"Gabe, man, you need to come see this..." Jaxon said, but Gabe cut him off.

"Not now, Jax," Gabe scowled. "Sunshine, please, just listen to me. It's not safe for you out there."

I gave him a backward glance and slowed my steps. If I waited for his excuses I would never leave, so I said, "No, Gabe, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stayed for so long. It was a mistake. Thank you again for everything and I wish you the best of luck."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a gold rope that pulsed like a heartbeat woven around myself and when I followed its path, I saw the other half was woven into Gabe. It was warm and soft and beautiful. When I touched it, I felt a pulse in my core, heat rushed to my cheeks, and I could see an answering in Gabe's face. As quickly as I saw it, it disappeared but I could still feel it. It just wasn't visible anymore.

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