Chapter 11

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After our unexpected visitors left, things took a while to settle down into what passed for normal around Illumination. Gabe gripped my hand, as if I was going to bolt after what I just saw. Jaxon and Jace each kept held one of Callie's hands. Gabe's gaze was pulled to the sight, over and over. I wondered if he knew how the twins felt about his sister, or if he even realized how Callie felt about the twins.

All of Illumination gathered in the dining room, except the younger children who had been sent to the nursery with a few of the mothers. There was a large tv on that was usually reserved for sports or movie night but instead of a movie or a sports game, there was bars of color on the screen. The bars were the kind that signified the emergency broadcast system or when the station has gone off air for the night.

The tv went black for a minute, and the colored lines appeared with a loud beeping noise. We all stood in shock, staring at the tv. Gabe strode over to the tv and turned it off.

There were people loudly talking all around us. "What are we going to do, Gabe? We aren't ready," one man yelled from the back.

Another woman was on her cell phone, "I just tried calling my sister in Colorado and no one is picking up!"

"I called my mom in Florida, no answer," another young woman had a cell phone to her ear and tears streamed down her face.

Denny came up to Gabe and whispered in his ear, "They will panic if you don't give them something to do." I only heard the words because Gabe wouldn't let me go and I was plastered to his side.

"It's been going like that since around five this morning, when people woke up this morning," Jaxon said, still holding Callie's left hand.

"Why didn't anyone come get me?" Gabe asked Jaxon harshly.

Callie cleared her throat and looked sheepish. "I went to get you this morning and the couch hadn't been slept on. I didn't want to disturb you in your room."

Callie's face turned a bright red and she leaned forward letting her long black hairbrush over her face to hide her embarrassment. I iwondered about her embarrassment, then it clicked, she had heard Gabe and I in bed. Jaxon and Jace grinned at us, and I could feel my face turning the same shade as Callie's. Gabe walked me over to our table and pulled out a chair. Callie, Jaxon and Jace sat down with me.

The people in the room were terrified, they spoke somewhat quietly to each other, but you could still feel their fear bleeding into their voices.

Gabe jumped onto a chair, then hopped up onto to our table. I tried not to think about the fact, that we ate on that table.

Gabe whistled loudly and all eyes went drawn to him, "I know you are all scared. I'm scared too. But we have prepared for this, and even though we have so much to do, I'm proud of the work we've accomplished. We have families here, children. Last month, we welcomed our newest member, baby Emily. They are counting on us to protect them, especially during the Catalyst. The Catalyst would not have started if the Light didn't think we were ready. We must work together to keep everyone fed, protected, healthy and happy. The Light has chosen us to be the True. Let us show him that it was not in vain. May the Light shine upon the True and protect us and keep us safe."

As if on cue, the room responded, "May the Light shine upon the True." How much had they hidden from me in the past few weeks? How much did I not know?

Gabe continued when he noticed he had all their attention, "Alright people, listen up! We knew this was coming. We just didn't realize it would be quite this soon. We all have our assigned jobs, and I want you to stick to them. If you finish, then check in with Greta and she will give you something else to do. No one rests until after evening meal is done. I know today has been scary, but we have a community to run and people to feed. No children outside today. Teachers, if they get antsy from staying inside, take them for walks around Illumination. You have access to the gym, music room and library.

"We will probably have more people as the Light leads them here, so please make sure to keep an eye out for them if you are working outside. We do need to be wary of any new people. We don't know who has been brought to us by the Light, and who might be a spy for the Pitch. Please have either me, Denny, Jaxon, Jace, or Tristan check them out. Let's also use the buddy system today," there were a bunch of groans.

Gabe continued over the groans, he was understanding, but he wasn't going to let them slack, either. "I know it's harder to get things done with a buddy, but we need to be careful. The Pitch are out there, this isn't just a book we're reading from anymore. This is real life. Self-defense classes are mandatory for all adults unless you have an excuse from Doc Rob. The fighters will also still have training today. That's all for now, may the Light shine upon the True."

Again, the crowd responded, "May the Light shine upon the True."

People went about their day as usual, although you could see a bit of anxiety that wasn't there before. People stopped to give condolences to the people who had lost families and friends, mostly it was just a pat on the shoulder and a quick hug.

Gabe hopped down from the table and came to stand by my side, placing his hand on my shoulder. I felt numb.

Callie spoke first. "Do you know what happened to start the Catalyst?" she asked her brother with rounded eyes, still in shock after what happened with Duncan. I couldn't blame her; I was a bit shocked myself.

Gabe glanced at me and nodded, "I have my suspicions."

"Care to share, man?" Jace spoke, running his fingers through his thick hair.

"Not yet, but it doesn't matter how it happened only that it did," Gabe said firmly. "Calla Lily, why don't you take Alina to get something to eat and then you both can go work with the little ones. Get the teen dormitory to come help you, it will keep them occupied. Keep an eye on Josh too, I don't want him wandering."

"Sure, Gabe," she said, but looked at Jaxon and Jace like she didn't want to leave them. If I concentrated incredibly hard I could see the cord connecting Callie and the twins. Golden musical notes swirled around it.

Both twins gathered Callie up in their arms at the same time. They brushed chaste kisses on her forehead and whispered something in her ear. She gave a small smile, but quickly glanced at her brother to see if he had seen the interaction and moved away from them. The cord pulled painfully, and I saw all three cringe.

Gabe missed the actions between the three because he had his eyes glued to me. I hoped he didn't think all of this was my fault, but I didn't see anger in his eyes. I saw sorrow, hope, affection, hunger, and some unknown emotion that I didn't understand.

He brushed his lips across mine, "I'll see you tonight at dinner. We'll talk then. I'll explain everything I can. Everything I understand, I promise."

I nodded at him. I wanted answers now, but I could see that he had a lot to do before the day was over. Others counted on him. I would have patience.

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