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Callie planned the most beautiful wedding reception, although everyone called it a Fated Ceremony. She even helped make me a blush-colored wedding dress, with the help of Greta. Sue baked sheet cake with white frosting, it wasn't fancy, but it was mine. Denny walked me down the aisle and I could feel my father's presence beside me through the whole ceremony. I loved every moment.

We had the ceremony outside on the beach, a place I had found a deep connection with. We didn't have a minister since there were no ministers left, so we exchanged vows in front of our family and friends.

Gabe wore a pair of khaki dress pants, a white button up linen shirt open at the collar, and blush pink suspenders. He looked hot, and I couldn't keep my hands off him.

"Alina, since the day I saw you at the gas station, I knew you were mine. I promise to love, cherish, and support you. I will be by your side when times are good and when times are hard. You are my light."

"Gabe, I come from a world filled with uncertainties. No certainty about my next meal, no certainty that I would have a roof over my head from one day to the next, or that I would even have a safe place to sleep.

"Since I had to focus on those things, I never stopped to think what it would be like to have a family and a place where people knew me and loved me for who I am. Gabe, you gave me that place. You gave me a family and friends, you made me a home. You are my rock when the world spins, and you are my anchor when I'm come undone. I will love you through this life and the next. You are my joy, my life, and my light."

At that, Gabe picked me up in his arms, twirled me around, and kissed me. All of Illumination was there to help us start our new life and the crowd broke out in cheers.

The party was a lot of fun, and there was so much food. I ate until I thought I would be sick, and Gabe continued to put food on my plate, thinking he was being sneaky.

"Gabe, I can't eat all this!" I complained when I had turned my head to talk to Callie and turned back around to find more food on my plate.

"Our little firefly needs as much as you can eat, Sunshine," he just smiled, but stopped putting food on my plate after that.

Callie finally came to talk to me at the end of the night and I saw Jaxon and Jace with stormy eyes, slip out. Gabe was talking to Greta, making some plans to spend time with just me while Greta, Sue and Denny ran Illumination. It was all the honeymoon we were going to get, which was fine. We didn't need too much time away from everyone and our responsibilities.

I whispered to Callie, "You aren't going to tell him."

"It's not the right time, this is your day, I don't want to take that from you." Callie fidgeted with her hands in her lap. I looked at the cord that connected her to the twins. It looked brittle and weak.

"Callie, you need to tell Gabe soon and fix what you have with the twins. The cord is getting thin, if it snaps you will never get it back. That piece of their soul, of your soul, will be gone forever and they won't be able to give anymore away," at that Callie began to sob and I gathered her in my arms.

Gabe walked back to us, "Calla Lily, what's wrong?" He looked incredibly concerned for his sister.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy for you. I'm tired, I'm off to bed," Callie gave us both a hug and bolted to her room.

"Do you think she's okay?" Gabe asked me, brushing his lips across mine.

"I think she will be," I responded to him, opening my mouth to allow him better access.

Gabe took advantage of the opening and deepened the kiss, "I hope she finds someone to love, the way I love you."

"I know she will," I told Gabe as I allowed him to pick me up and carry me to our rooms. She just needed to do it before her cord snapped and she lost what mattered most to her.

The End-Maybe

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