Chapter 19

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I jumped into Gabe's red Jeep. Gabe had driven me in it before. The last time was when we went to Brooks to get supplies that Illumination needed so I knew the way. I also knew from experience that he left the keys in the glove compartment.

I inhaled deeply, the car smelling like its owner. Sticking the key in the ignition, I prayed that it worked. The car's ignition turned over with a roar and I exhaled. I had to stay calm, Josh was counting on me.

I followed the driveway to the gatehouse, just like we had done last time I had left Illumination with Gabe. Except now there were two guards in the small building, that hadn't been there the last time we drove out. Callie mentioned earlier that Gabe had put them there to make sure no one drove up to Illumination again without warning. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I tried to compose myself. I didn't want anyone to suspect anything.

I had to think fast, or I would never get out of here before Gabe stopped me. "Hey guys! Can you open the gate for me? It's an emergency, Gabe is sending me into town to pick up some antibiotics for Emily, Anna's new baby. Doc Rob said she has a horrible ear infection."

I picked up a piece of paper sitting in the cup holder and waved it around like it was a newly written prescription.

I hadn't met the two men at the guard station, but everyone knew who I was since I sat with Gabe every night in the dining hall. I only prayed that they didn't question the fact that I was leaving. They gave each other a look and I knew they must suspect what I was up too. My hands gripped the steering wheel tighter just in case I needed to ram the gate.

"Alina, right?" the guard next to the jeep's window asked me. He had just walked out of the guard tower, he stuck out his hand and I shook it.

I gave a watery smile, "Yes."

"Do you have your buddy with you, Alina?" he tried to peer into the back seat, but the windows were tinted.

"Umm, no, Callie was supposed to go with me, but she had to stay to help Doc Rob. I was there, so I said I'd run out and get it," I said, hoping these two guys had been around this morning when I had stopped Duncan and his cohorts from hurting Gabe and Callie. The encounter this morning with Duncan felt like it was years ago.

"I don't know, it could be dangerous out there. No one has been outside of Illumination since the Catalyst. Maybe I should call Gabe, just to make sure," he said.

"Please, guys. Emily is running a fever and she won't stop crying. Anna is beside herself with worry," I pleaded with the men, I prayed in my head that they would just let me go.

I heard Gabe's voice in my mind, Alina if you leave that gate, I will put you over my knee. I swear it! You don't understand how dangerous it is out there. I could hear the anger, but I could also feel the terror that flooded his mind. I was doing this to protect him. He would understand one day. I hoped.

I'm sorry, I have to do this, and you can't come with me. I'll be back. I promise, I explained to him.

The torment in his mind did not ease at all, Alina, please just explain to me what's going on. I promise I'll help you.

I didn't respond. I consciously constructed a wall in my mind to keep Gabe out. I couldn't let him follow me, at least not until I was able to get Josh back. The pressure of him beating against the barrier increased, but I held firm. The effort cost me my attention and my hands shook.

The men looked at each other nervously. The taller one nodded at the other, and they opened the gate. I almost cried out in relief.

In the distance, I heard two wolves howl and the guard's heads jerked toward Illumination in fear. I peeled out of the driveway, my tires squealing in my haste.

I knew in my heart that it was the twins that howled, I had seen their gift even if it hadn't manifested yet. I was starting to suspect that like Gabe said, I was giving people their powers or if not giving them their powers, I was activating them. I also had the ability to catch glimpses of people's powers before they were activated.

I needed to put as much distance between myself and Gabe as I could. I had no idea how long the wall in my mind would last. I didn't think I could google what the range was for telepathic communication. If I drove a few miles out, would I stop hearing his voice? The idea of losing the ability to have Gabe in my mind was terrifying. Sorrow flooded my whole being at the thought.

It was eerie driving down the road. Up until that exact moment, I hadn't believed that the world's population, except the people at Illumination and a few other stragglers, were gone. I knew there wasn't a lot of traffic in this area, but the lack of people was stark. 

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