Chapter 13

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Since coming to Illumination, I'd only been around the main building, the youth ward, the stable and the gardens. I wanted to find a place to explore that Gabe or someone who would tell Gabe couldn't find me. I didn't want to get caught before I even had time to go for my walk.

I walked outside and was instantly grateful that Illumination was in walking distance of the ocean, an ocean that called to me on a cellular level. Since the only time I had seen the ocean was when I first arrived at the coast after leaving Vegas, I wanted to see more of it, to explore., I didn't know if it was the symphony of the waves crashing, the sand that squished between my toes, the taste of salt in the air or the sun spreading it's warmth all over my skin, but it all called to me. It soothed a piece of my mind that was fragmented.

Illumination's private beach did not disappoint. Since everyone was busy with their jobs, I knew I would be alone. I felt a little bad about playing hooky when everyone else was working hard to make Illumination safe and effective, but I needed a break from all the people and noise.

After reaching the beach, and walking a small distance, annoyance with sand getting in my sneakers had me kicking them off. The sand had rubbed my skin raw, where it had poured into my socks.

I folded my socks into each other and tucked them into my sneakers, I then left them on the stairs leading back to Illumination. I wandered off with no purpose other than to think, walk, and enjoy the ocean.

"Deep breath, it will all be okay!" I told myself out loud. There was no one in listening distance. I could freely talk out loud to myself.

You like Illumination, even in the short amount of time it has become your home. You have a warm bed, you have food to eat, anything you need and it's there for you. The best part is there are people you love and who love you in return. Like Gabe, you love Gabe.

I had no idea where that thought had come from. Did I love Gabe? Did I really love Gabe?

"Even if I do love him, he still lied. Can I forgive him of that?" I muttered. I walked closer to the water, letting it wash over my feet. It was incredibly cold.

Yes, but in his defense, he was trying to save people.

"True, and his book did have some truth to it. It's not like he was crazy or anything. The things I have seen today were scary and unexplainable," I agreed with the voice in my head.

He knows more than anyone, he can keep you safe.

"But can I really be with someone who lies to me? Why did I hear his voice inside my head? Could I do the same to him? Could he read my thoughts, or did I have to project them?"

There were so many questions I needed answers to. For example, what was the Catalyst and the Fated and how was Duncan involved?

"I know one thing, more than anything else, I do want to stay with Gabe. I want to make a home here and discover who I could be without Duncan controlling everything in my life and hurting me."

When I finally paid attention to where I was, I realized it wasn't as bright as it had been, and I stood at the entrance of a cave, a beautiful cave.

I had never seen anything like it. Small waves lapped against the ground of the entrance, which was about eight-feet-tall. Inside, there was a large hole in the ceiling that let in natural light. The walls had shiny rocks, seashells, and lustrous crystals embedded in them. The light trickled in through the hole in the ceiling and the walls of the cave sparkled.

There were some large flat boulders in the middle of the cave. They were so large they almost formed a miniature island. I climbed up on one and noticed they were warm from sitting under the sunlight all day.

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