Chapter 24

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After everyone had been sent off to their jobs, we went to get some food. I was starving, my last meal had been hours ago and consisted of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk.

"You need to make sure you are getting enough food," Gabe said as he continued to sneak food onto my plate when I wasn't looking. I say sneak, but I knew exactly what he was doing. Every time I looked up from my plate, I would look down and there would be more food. Thankfully, he did it in a way as not to mix the other foods on my plate and he never put anything with sauces on my plate. He also poured me three glasses of milk, I was going to have to pee so badly!

We went by Vanessa's room before we went to our own suite. She was out cold. Jace had brought her to the bedroom, laid her on the bed, and laid a blanket over her. He hadn't even removed her shoes. I could understand where he was coming from. For some reason, the wolf in him was territorial over Callie, and he couldn't stand non-family members touching him. Since Gabe was their brother through friendship and Callie, if not blood, I was considered a sister. They were going to have to tell Gabe soon.

I sent Gabe back to our suite and then removed Vanessa's shoes and her jacket and tucked her under the covers. I stayed with her a few more minutes to stroke her hair and make sure she was sleeping okay.

When I arrived back in our room Gabe was waiting on the bed, his laptop open on his lap. When he saw me, he saved his document and closed the laptop. He rose from the bed.

"Promise me, you'll never leave me again," he said in between kisses. "I love you so much, I almost died today when you left. It felt like someone was ripping out pieces of my soul."

"I promise, I should have thought it through, but I had to protect Josh. I couldn't let her hurt him," I told him. "She was obsessed with you, she thought if I left you, you would be with her."

"Even if the Dark doesn't kill me, you leaving would!" Gabe told me. "I'm not exaggerating here, Sunshine. From what the Light told me, after Fated meet and soul bond, if they are away from each other for too long they will both die especially when the bond is new. We share our soul; you can't live without your soul. It's like living without a vital organ. There's no way I could have been with her. I wish I had known how she felt, we would have figured out a way to help her."

"Where do you think she went?" I asked him, I started to remove my clothes. I was so tired, and just wanted to be naked in bed with Gabe.

"I have no idea, but I have a feeling we'll see her again," Gabe told me, his hungry eyes on my body. He rose from the bed and removed his clothes as well. I couldn't help that my eyes followed his every movement as they ate up the sight of his beautiful body.

"I think she was infected by the Darkness," I told him. Although I didn't like her, I still didn't want her to be left out there, alone.

"She made her choices, there's nothing more that we can do for her," Gabe said.

"You will have to teach me more about the soul bond, and whatever else is in your book, but I promise, I'll never leave again," I told him again, praying he'd believe me. I had just wanted to keep everyone safe.

He laid me down and started to kiss my whole body, starting at my lips. He worked his way slowly down my body, he used his lips, tongue and teeth to work me into a mass of need and want.

He pulled himself from my body and I groaned my disappointment. "Just wait, I'll be right back. Don't move!"

I held myself perfectly still and waited for his return. I didn't wait long, within minutes Gabe flipped me over so I laid on my stomach. He was incredibly careful to not jostle me too much. I had no experience with being pregnant, so I was thankful for his caution. We'd have to get a book on pregnancy or at least speak with Doc Rob.

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