Chapter 23

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"Vanessa, fight the memories. You don't have to take all of them. Just take what you need to understand and break the connection," I said soothingly, rubbing her back. She didn't scream this time but took in a deep breath. Her eyes glowed again, but not as bright as after taking my memories.

"It's okay, Alina." Vanessa said calmly. "Jace and I are just getting to know each other. He wants me to know how much he has to protect. The best way to do that was to show me."

Vanessa let Jace go, he didn't try to go after her again. He nodded his head, turned around and trotted back to the Jeep. When he met the obstacle of the closed passenger door, he barked once, and Jaxon leaved over and opened the door. Jace easily jumped in and Jaxon pulled the door closed behind him.

Vanessa chuckled, looked at Gabe and then me, "So they don't want to tell him?"

I shook my head, trying to be discreet, but Gabe saw the whole thing exchange.

"What do they not want to tell me?" Gabe asked me, his hands on his hips. Clearly, he knew I hid something from him.

"It's not our place to tell you, they need to tell you," I said, inwardly begging him not to keep asking. I didn't want to do this for Jaxon, Jace, and Callie. This was their news to share, not mine. He must have felt my unease.

"Will it hurt someone I love?" he asked me. I could feel the trust in him wash over me, like a warm bubble bath.

I looked at him, "No, Gabe, but it's not our story to tell you. They will when they are ready." He looked like he wanted to grill both Vanessa and me, but he let it go and we all climbed back into the truck and rode into the garage, waving to the guards who still stood watching us.

"How mad are they at me?" I cringed.

"They worried about you, just like everyone else at Illumination did, Sunshine. You can never do that again. Promise me," Gabe brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my fingers while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Denny, on the other hand, wants to put you over his knee and spank you. I told him to get in line. Sue won't let him, but you might want to go talk to them tomorrow."

I giggled, thinking about the big gentle man trying to spank me. "I will, I didn't mean to scare everyone. I was just so worried about Josh."

"We know, Sunshine, we know you've never had a family before, but families discuss options. They don't run away. Next time talk to us. We could have come up with a plan together," Gabe said.

"I promise, next time I will talk about it first," I snuggled against Gabe. Vanessa was asleep again against my other side. "I think she won't be with us long. My father said she is incredibly powerful. She will be very important in the future. He said she will have great influence over the coming war. I also get this feeling that she has a Fated, but he's not here. She won't stay long; the cord will pull her away from us." A few tears slipped down my cheeks when I thought of her leaving. Gabe held me tightly.

Gabe pulled the jeep into the parking structure to the side of Illumination, and everyone was standing outside, waiting for us. Callie was the first to hug me, she looked as exhausted as I felt.

"I'm sure my brother already yelled at you, so I won't tear into you. We were so worried about you, Alina!" She hugged me so hard I could barely breathe.

"Careful of the baby!" Gabe snapped at his sister.

"Baby!?" Callie shouted. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" She hugged me harder than before, and I laughed.

Denny, Sue, Josh and Greta were next, and I was showered with more hugs, "I'm gonna be a Grandma!" Sue said, clearly making tons of plans for baby showers in her head.

Denny had tears running down his face, "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, Alina, I will spank you." He gave me a peck on my cheek.

Josh just stood there. His hands in his pockets, he was blushing, and he stared at the ground. I walked up to him and threw my arms around him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. We had grown to know each other well in the teen wing.

"I'm so happy you're okay." I told him, he blushed even more, but crossed him arms over his chest in a pout.

"Don't mind him," Greta told me, "He wanted to go with the boys to find you, but Gabe wouldn't let him. Callie and I caught him trying to sneak out twice to go find you. You gave us all a fright, but we're all happy you're back, young lady." She gave me a hug and kiss. "I'm going to bed, I'm too old for all this excitement."

We laughed at her antics but followed her inside.

Jaxon and Jace came back both had clothes on and we're looking much better especially Jace who didn't look completely lost. They gave me a quick hug without any words. The twins went over to Callie and whispered something to her, which caused her to blush. She looked to Gabe to see if he had seen the exchange, but he was paying more attention to something Sue and Denny had said.

"Jace," Gabe turned his attention back to the twins.

Jace turned a bright red but responded, "Yeah, Boss man?" Jace smirked, his normal easy going self again.

"Everything good?" Gabe still seemed concerned for his friend.

"Yup, Jaxon and I were just about to head in and get some sleep, unless you need us." Jace said looking back at Callie who shot daggers at him. I giggled and Gabe gave me a questioning look, but I just smiled at him sweetly. How could he know so much about Illumination but not see what was right in front of him?

"Vanessa, is out cold. We don't know a lot about her powers, but we do know if anyone new touches her she will wake up. Do you mind carrying her to a room?" Gabe asked Jace.

Jace glanced over to his brother and Callie. Jaxon smirked, raising his eyebrows and Callie looked pissed. Jace let out a long, drawn-out sigh, "Umm, yeah, sure."

Gabe turned around, to assign guard duties to some men who were waiting nearby for their assignments, he explained to stay within the shield's boundaries. If anyone saw anything they should inform him.

I leaned over to whisper to Jace, "She has a Fated, don't let Callie be too jealous." He smiled at me and then walked back to Callie and told her what I had said, she hugged me again and she and Jaxon walked into the main building.

"Where are they going?" Gabe asked, noticing Jaxon and his sister.

"Umm, I think Jaxon was hungry and Callie was getting him some food." I decided the best option was to distract Gabe. "I know there aren't a lot of rooms but is there any way we could put Vanessa in a room near ours?"

Gabe looked a bit sheepish, but turned to Jace, "Put Vanessa in the suite next to ours." Jace nodded and went to the other side of the truck, opening the door quietly and scooped up Vanessa. She must have been exhausted, because she didn't stir at all, just burrowed in closer to Jace's warmth. He flinched and a small growl came from his throat, but he quickly carried her to the suite.

Gabe and I walked behind him, hand in hand. I couldn't be happier. I had everything I could possibly want. Everyone was safe and I was with Gabe. I just prayed it stayed that way, although deep in my gut I knew it couldn't. A war was coming, and if we didn't fight, mankind and the Light would be lost forever.

"Wait, there's an empty suite next to yours?"

Gabe blushed. 

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