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Lou from Uglydolls. She/her pronouns
WARNINGS- This was just the draft and I couldn’t find the motivation to finish it so sorry
about that
Requested- “Something like, (Y/n) is like and uglydoll and lives in Uglyville. She was
suppose to go to the Institute of Perfection, but accidentally went to Uglyville as a
“reject”. Eventually she and the Uglydolls crew go to the Institute and met Lou. As the
movie goes, Lou dislikes the uglydolls but secretly has a crush on (Y/n) and did not show
it to the other dolls. Eventually with some hanging out time with Lou, he realizes that
(Y/n) is changing him to become good to the uglies. And in the final gauntlet scene, he be
like helping the uglydolls and (Y/n) to pass the test and changes his evil ways, to a good

(y/n) grunted as she fell into the pit of weird foam-like shapes. She looked around and saw a
bunch of other dolls. But instead of looking like the soft and cuddly dolls from Uglyville they
looked different, they looked like (y/n).
(y/n) noticed her friends walking towards weird machines that other dolls were using. She
quickly followed behind them. (y/n) noticed the other dolls that looked like her going inside the machines and being transformed into different looking dolls. (y/n) curiously went into one and
came out looking completely different. Her skin changed to a (s/t) tone and she now had (h/l)
(h/c) hair, along with that her eyes changed to a bright and shiny (e/c).
“Ooh! My turn!”
Moxy ran into one of the machines, but instead of being completely transformed she ended up
breaking the machine. All the other dolls at the institute noticed the new dolls and started talking
and staring. (y/n) nervously backed up and hid behind Moxy.
Later some blonde guy finished singing a really mean song about looks and let the uglydoll crew
stay and attend the Institute of perfection. At first he didn’t believe that (y/n) was with them,
which she thought was funny.
Throughout the classes and tests (y/n) would somehow always end up passing even though her
friends would fail for doing the same things. (y/n) decided that she would ask Lou about it later
today since he invited her to hang out.
“Lou! I have something important to ask you!”
(y/n) said as soon as she saw Lou. Lou blushed a little and adjusted his tie.
“Wh-what is it?”
“Why are you treating my friends so badly?”
Lou’s face quickly changed into a monotone expression.
“Oh. No reason…”
(y/n) glared at him, not believing him.
Final gauntlet scene (the one with the baby an stuf)
The baby carelessly threw Lou to the side after seeing Moxy and grabbed her. Moxy happily
cuddled up to the baby. Something something. The baby tries to grab (y/n) but Lou pulls her out
of the way. The baby starts crying and Moxy comforts it. Lou helps the rest of the dolls exit the
The ending stuff but with Lou helping instead of smashing the portal

*Sorry lol.
I couldn't find
The motivation to
Write the final
So here's the
I'm opening up
Requests again
But the updates
Will be really

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