Mao Mao & Shadow Mao//Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart

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.CHARACTER- Mao Mao and Shadow Mao .FROM- Mao Mao Heroes Of Pure Heart .READER GENDER- Female .OTHER- Follows Along With The Episode Fright Wig
Warnings- Spoilers for the episode Fright Wig, there may be some incorrectly spelled words, some parts might not make sense?


(Y/n) yawned and rubbed her eyes. The loud noise of the alarm woke her up. She followed Mao Mao and Adorabat out of the bedroom and to the living room area where Badgerclops was up playing video games.
"Hey, y'all, what's up?"
"Badgerclops. How long as the king's emergency alarm been going off?" Mao Mao asked, his voice still groggy from sleep. Did I use that word right? I don't think I did but I'm gonna just roll with it.
(Y/n) leaned against Mao Mao's side and closed her eyes, ready to go back to sleep.
"Dude, forever! Do you think you could get it for me? I'm a little busy."
Badgerclops took a drink from the large soda cup thing that was next to him.
Mao Mao and Adorabat stared deeply into Badgerclop's soul with a look I don't know how to describe, basically they gave him an 'I'm about to kill you in the most horrific way possible' look. At least that's what I think it looks like. Mao Mao grabbed the controller from Badgerclops and Adorabat cut it in half with her wing. She can't win a thumb wrestle but she can cut a controller in half with her wing? Makes sense I guess.
(Y/n), who was taking a little nap on Mao Mao's shoulder, jolted awake. Is that even a word? Jolted. Haha Idk.
"Tell your friends you have to go."
"Ugh fine. Go to bed, kid."
Badgerclops turned off his headset and everyone got on the areocycle. I think I spelled that wrong oops.

"What do you think the king called us here for anyway?" Badgerclops asked when they stopped outside of the castle.
(Y/n) pressed her face into the back of Mao Mao's cape and wished for death to take her so she could sleep forever. But that ain't gonna happen anytime soon my bro.
"He probably saw... A slug in a diaper."
Adorabat climbed on top of Badgerclops' head. (Y/n) laughed quietly. Mao Mao continued to stare into the distance like he was dead inside, which he probably is. Who wouldn't be after getting woken up in the middle of the night?
"Heh what? Dude, you're loopy."
The group of heroes entered the castle.
"We're here! What's the emergency? Woah! Egad!" Mao Mao yelled when he saw the state of the castle.
Wait who even actually says egad? Wth.
Anyway, the castle was a mess. There was even a cake on the floor. A moment of silence for our dear friend floor cake.
"Nothing! Nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong! Uh, what are you doing here?" The king asked, sounding very nervous. How suspicious.
"Didn't you set off the emergency alarm?" Sweet adorable Adorabat asked, still standing on Bagderclops' head cause who needs to walk when they can get a ride.
"I most certainly did not! Someone pressed it on accident." The king gave the stink eye to the guy behind him.
"What are y'all doing out of bed? What's with those torn tapestries?"
"I'm redecorating."
"The cake?"
"We're having a birthday party for the floor, naturally."
Mao Mao looked in a mirror and talked about something. (Y/n) wasn't paying attention. She was staring at a shadow with eyes that seemed to be trying to get her to walk towards it. (Y/n) only giggled.
"I think I'm hallucinating."
(Y/n) started paying attention when Ronald took Quentin away.
"Mao Mao, I'm not sure the king is telling the truth."
Mao Mao sighed.
"Look at the poor fool. He's clearly been shaken. That alarm didn't go off for no reason. Looks like the king's been compromised. We're gonna have to figure this thing out on our own."
"Yay." (Y/n) added, mostly just to feel included.
"The fate of the entire kingdom could be at stake. Alright listen up! Anyone with information with the disturbance here tonight step foreward please!" Mao Mao turned to the group of sweetie pies that were in the castle.
They all were gonna step foreward but the king ran infront of them.
"Break time's over! Back to work everyone! Chop, chop!" The king clapped and everyone walked away.
"Oh, I swear these labor laws will be the end of me. Were we still talking? My apologies."
"It's even worse than I thought. We're gonna have to kick this investigation up a notch." Mao Mao said after the king was done talking to him.
(Y/n) noticed Mao Mao's messy fur and decided to pet his cheek while he talked. Mao Mao looked at her but kept talking, probably too tired to care about whatever (y/n) was doing.
Mao Mao picked up a peice of cake and yelled,
"To the kitchens!"
"I was about to say the same thing!"

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