Mao Mao Mao//Mao Mao Heores of Pure Heart

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.CHARACTER NAME- Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao) .FROM- Mao Mao Heroes Of Pure Heart .READER GENDER- Female
Warnings- Mao Mao may be kinda out of character, sorry


"Mao Mao!" (Y/n) yelled out as she ran towards a certain green eyed cat.
Mao Mao turned around and smiled at her. (Y/n) stopped running and took a few seconds to catch her breath after running for so long.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." (Y/n) rubbed the back of her neck nervously.
"No, it's okay! I just wanted to ask you something."
Mao Mao grabbed (y/n)'s hands and looked into her eyes.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Mao Mao closed his eyes as if he was afraid of how she'd answer.
(Y/n) nodded excitedly then realised that Mao Mao couldn't see her with his eyes closed. She insulted herself in her head.
"Yes! I would love to!"
Mao Mao's eyes shot open and a large grin spread across his face.
(Y/n) nodded and Mao Mao pulled her into a tight hug and spun her around while laughing happily.


(Y/n) wasn't prepared for what was happening. They came out of nowhere, she had no idea what they wanted with her.
Mao Mao tried to save her, but he was too late. They took her away before he could even get to her. He fought off as many of them as he could but got over powered. So he sat on the ground, tears falling from his eyes. He punched the ground and screamed angrily into the sky.
They took her and he might not see her again.


It's been years. Years since Mao Mao confessed to (y/n). Years since (y/n) went missing.
(Y/n) sighed sadly. She never did see Mao Mao again. She looked everywhere that she could think of but could never find him. She eventually gave up looking for him, he probably did the same, right?

(Y/n) stood in the entrance of Pure Heart Valley. She recently arrived there after hours of walking. She had no idea how she got there, just that she was walking around when she saw the kingdom from a distance. She got there as fast as she could, she really wanted to explore and meet the people that lived there.
(Y/n) hesitantly took a step into the kingdom and looked around. She smiled and started walkimg more into the kingdom, ready to learn more about the strange place.

(Y/n) was talking to one of the sweetie pies that live in Pure Heart Valley when she heard a voice from behind her. The voice was deep and didn't sound like the voice of a sweetie pie. She turned around to see who the voice belinged to.
She couldn't believe what she saw. A black cat with bright green eyes who looked just like Mao Mao. It probably was Mao Mao. It is Mao Mao, (y/n) was sure of it. He looked almost exactly the same, only he switched out his green outfit for a red one.
"Mao Mao!?" She called out and started running to him.
Mao Mao looked up from what he was doing and widened his eyes.
He ran towards her. When they reached eachother Mao Mao pulled (y/n) into a hug. Tears fell down (y/n)'s cheeks like waterfalls as she hugged Mao Mao tightly. Mao Mao pulled away and (y/n) saw that he was crying as well.
"I thought I'd never see you again!" (Y/n) said as she wioed the tears from her eyes.
"I missed you so much, (y/n). I thought you died!"
Mao Mao pulled her into another hug with a large smile on his face.
"I love you so much."

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