Who are you?

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Elizabeth's POV

Ugh. Everything hurts. Why does everything hurt? I could hear voices. But they were muffled. What were they talking about, who were they? I slowly opened my eyes, due to my curiosity. But it was a bit too blurry for me. And my eye lids felt too heavy for me. I let out a soft whimper. Before trying to open my eyes again. And this time I saw a bright light. But it wasn't as bright as the first time. This wasn't my home. The cave was never this bright. Where Am I, and where were my boys? I groaned as my bones protested at me for moving. But I wanted, no needed to know where I was. I wasn't in my home. Someone must have taken me.

I slowly lifted my head, and I was surprised to see I was in a much different room. And I found out I wasn't alone. I let out a surprised yip. It was a pretty blonde lady. And what made her stand out where her golden eyes. They were beautiful. But she wasn't alone either. A very big man was with her. And he had the same colored eyes. Who were they? Why are they here? Why am I here? I crawled away backwards. Despite my bones protesting. I didn't know these people! They must be the ones that took me away from my home and my boys! They're gonna hurt me. "Who are you?! Why did you take me from my home! Why am I here, are you gonna hurt me?!", I basically yelled at the two of them. I was scared out of my mind. I didn't like this. My boys were no where to be seen.

My heart was racing and pounding against my chest. "Calm down honey, Calm down. We're not gonna hurt you", the blonde lady cooed at me. But I just shook my head. "No! That's what they said you would say. You took me from my home! Now your gonna hurt me! No! Marko! David! Dwayne! Paul!", I screamed. I hoped they heard me and came to rescue me from these strange people. I didn't know who they were. Stranger danger!

I crawled away deeper into the darker side of the room. Which was the corner of the wall. I wrapped my arms around my body. Despite my body's protesting. "Don't come near me. My boys will be here in a matter of seconds and they're gonna kick all of your butts. You'll see, they're be here. So don't touch me", I hissed at them. "Denial", I heard the big man whisper to the blonde lady. I narrowed my eyes and titled my head to the side in confusion. Denial? Why would I be in denial for? And where were my boys? I know for sure they would be coming. I just know it.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the door opening. And I saw a man, he had the same colored eyes as the other two in the room. He had blonde colored hair, but with a bit of brown to it. I whimpered and hid further into the corner. "They're gonna kick your butts. You'll see, they're gonna rescue me, and take me home. That's it, they'll be here in no time and they'll take me home", I muttered. I just wanted to go home. With my boys.

And then another person entered the room. But this time, I knew the person. Max? Why would max be here? Was he here to rescue me and take me home to my boys?

And then it hit me all at once. The memories. Of everything. My boys. They died. They were killed. And I watched as they died. I couldn't do a thing about it. I was too weak. I let out a sob. Tears immediately welled up in my eyes. A few rolled down my cheeks. I thought it was a nightmare. I thought it was just a dream and I would wake up and be back at home. And they would be there. But no, it really happened. I whimpered as I cried softly. "I-I-I-I, thought it just a nightmare. That I would wake up and I would be back at home. With them. I thought it was just a nightmare", I said as I sobbed in between words. None of them approached me. Well, max did.

"Lizzie, little one. Come here. It's okay", he cooed at me softly. I sniffled and opened my arms for him to take me. He immediately took me into his arms. I gripped his shirt in my fists. "They're really gone, my boys are gone. It hurts. It hurts so much max. Why does it hurt so much? Why did they have to go? Why wasn't I strong enough to save them?", I blubbered word after word. But he only rubbed my back softly. "Shhh, it's okay. It's okay. I know. I know how much it hurts. It's okay. It's okay now. I promise. Things will get better. I promise", he whispered to me. But how could they? When my boys, my home, everything I grew up with. Gone. Forever.

I sniffled and clenched my eyes closed. "I want to go home", I whispered to him. He didn't say anything for a minute. And it was a long minute. "There's nothing left for us there, I'm sorry little one. I'm really sorry", he whispered to me. As much as I didn't want to believe him. I knew he was right. There was nothing left for us there. Only bad memories. And a graveyard. A graveyard of memories and the ones I loved. I only hope wherever they are now. They're happy. That's all I want for them.

To be happy. Even if that means without me. No matter how much I want to be with them. If only I could see them one last time. To know they were okay. To tell them I loved them one last time. That my life was the best, because they were the ones that raised me and loved me. I wouldn't be me without them. I couldn't hold back the sobs. I sobbed and sobbed. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't care who looked. I was grieving. For my family. My home. My life. The life I was happy with. Because they were in it.

And now everything was gone. Everything I grew to know, vanished. Gone. Just. Like. That. In a blink of an eye. I can still remember watching Paul die. And it was the hardest thing to see. The people I loved most. Gone. And I'll never see them again. I gasped in between sobs. It hurt so much. The pain never stops. The pain in my chest. Hurts so much. And it never stops. It's like a huge void. But it causes me so much pain. It never leaves me alone. It's always there. Like a reminder. That they were gone. And I couldn't save them like I promised. I wasn't strong enough.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wasn't strong enough. I only hope your happy. Wherever you are. I love you. So much.

Max just rubbed my back as I let everything out. So much buildup. So much pain. So much. In so little time. How can I just forget nine long years? I can't. So many good memories. Gone. Turned to bad memories. Because it's just a reminder that they're gone. And I'll never see them again. I.......I can still hear they're voices. Whispering I love you. And that's what broke my heart the most. I loved them so much. But they're gone. And they're not coming back. I'll never see them again. I'll never get to hug them. Feel their love for me. Like I once did. I'll never hear they're laughs. Nothing. And that's what broke me. Because they were my everything.

And now, I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

Without you guys.

I'm so lost.

Come back.


Please come back.

I don't know what to do.

What am I supposed to do?


Come back to me.

You are worth it all lost boys LS  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora