Max's POV

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Max's POV
At first when the boys came to me with Elizabeth. I didn't know what to think. A baby. A human baby. They're mate was a human baby. I honestly didn't know what to think or do. I mean it's a human baby. Blood. I thought they would have a hard time with her blood. But as time went on, and I saw the way they were with her. The loving and gentle way they were with her. It surprised me. They were so caring. I haven't seen them so caring in my long life. I saw different sides of them.

Dwayne. He smiled more. Teeth filled smiles. He didn't look broody. He didn't keep quiet. He was all smiley and always talking to her. He looked like a happy parent. And it surprised me.

Marko. Well it didn't really surprise me. I mean it's Marko. He's always smiling and everything. He was loud and talkative. But when I looked into his eyes. I saw pure genuine love and happiness.

Paul. It really did surprise me. He didn't really smoke as much. And certainly didn't smoke around her. I haven't seen him half a cigarette in his mouth in the last past four months. But other then that. He was always like was before. Smiling, laughing. But what I see in his eyes, love and happiness. The way he talked about Elizabeth. It had so much love in it.

And then David. Which surprised me the most of all. He always had that vibe. The scary leader vibe. But when she came into they're lives. He wasn't his old self. He was all happy and smiles. He laughed more. He played around with Elizabeth. Always making her giggle and sequel. He wasn't his old self around her.

I guess I was right about the whole mate thing. It changes you when you meet them. And it certainly changed the boys. And I couldn't be happier to see them happy. She was a adorable baby. She made them happy. And Thorne loved her. I saw her as no threat. And I loved babysitting her as the boys hunted. But I knew the boys hated being away from her. I knew the first year is always so hard to be away.

But I knew they loved her more then anything. I could see it. And I can see the love that she had for them. It wasn't hard to see. It was genuine love and happiness. I'm glad my boys are happy. I could never take that away from them.

They deserved to be happy and loved.

She was truly they're forever.

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