Saving her

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Elizabeth's POV

I couldn't see, it was all dark, I could hear mommy's heavy breathing and the soft calming 'it's okay, we're going to be okay'. But I knew something was off. Why was mommy running so fast If everything was okay? I couldn't wrap my small mind around it. She held my basket tightly to her chest. I grasped on tightly to my blankie. Mommy will protect me. She always does.

But soon i could hear the sound of something splashing. What was it? Was it water? I didn't know. But soon I felt mommy put me down on something soft. I then saw her face. I smiled at her. Mommy! But she had this look in her eyes I didn't like. She had this wet stuff coming down her cheeks. I was so confused. My smile disappeared from my lips. What was wrong with mommy? She bent down and kissed my forehead. "I love you my little Lizzie, I'm sorry", she whispered to me. She then turned away and walked away. No. Mommy! Come back. Please. Mommy! I started to cry. I was cold and I wanted my mommy.

Third person POV

David the leader of his vampire clan, was on his trusty bike, along with his brothers, Dwayne, Paul, And marko. Just riding around, looking for a quick snack before they went down for they're sleep. They didn't find any snack. They did hear something, it was the sound of a baby crying. They got off of they're bikes and went towards the sound of the baby. It was coming from the beach. They got closer and closer. Until they found a pink baby basket. They hesitated. What were they supposed to do? I mean it's a baby. They don't eat kids. But marko had other thoughts. No he's wasn't going to eat the kid. He wasn't going to let the poor thing suffer in the cold. He slowly but walked over to the tiny basket. He peeked inside and saw a little baby that couldn't have been more then a few weeks old. She did have a full head of black hair. And what stood out were her baby blue eyes. They were beautiful. But once he locked eyes with her. His eyes widened. He stumbled back. "Marko? Dude what's wrong?", Paul asked his brother. Marko could only point at the baby. "Take a look for yourself", he whispered. The three boys looked at they're brother in confusion. But did what he said.

Dwayne picked up the pink basket and looked inside. Only to make eye contact with the beautiful baby blue eyes. His eyes widened and he almost dropped the basket. If it weren't for Paul. Who looked at his brother in confusion. He shrugged it off. He made a peek inside the basket himself. To see what this hub bub was about. He was confused for a second. Nothing seemed wrong with the tiny baby. But when he made eye contact with the tiny one. His eyes widened as well. He as well almost dropped the basket. If it weren't for David who grabbed it at the last second.

"Paul! You could have hurt her!", he hissed at his brother. But then he froze. Why did he care about this baby? I mean he was a vampire for crying out loud. He eats people for a living. He then heard a gurgle come from inside the basket. He let himself peek inside the basket. He saw a tiny little baby, with a good puff of black hair on the top of her head. And then he made the mistake of making eye contact with her. 'Shit'. He thought to himself.

He made sure he didn't drop the basket.

"Our a baby?", he said it almost like it was a question. How could this be? How could a baby be they're mate? Yeah he knew about mates from max. But he didn't know they would get theirs so soon. He also didn't know that they're mate would be a baby. But he had to admit she was cute. He snapped out of it when he heard another gurgle come from the tiny baby. He lightly pressed his pointer finger to her cheek. Which made her giggle a baby giggle. Which made him melt. It was adorable.

But soon he felt the shiver of the cold wind hit his back. He knew she shouldn't be out here in the cold. It was too cold for a young baby to be out here. She could get sick. He turned to his Brothers. "Come on, we're going home", he said. He didn't wait for them to respond. He just made his way up to where his bike was. He straddled the bike. He looked at the little one. He didn't know how he was going to do this. "Your going to have to bear with me here, I didn't exactly bring a baby seat with me", he said to the little baby who was sucking on her fingers. He let a small smile light up on his lips. She was adorable alright. He started his bike. He was afraid that the sound of his bike would frighten her and make her cry. But once he looked back at her. He saw that her little eyes were slowly starting to fall down. He raised a eyebrow. He waited a minute. And saw that she had fallen asleep. "Strange little thing you are", he whispered. He held the basket tightly to his chest with one arm and rode off into the darkness with the other. His brothers following behind him.

You are worth it all lost boys LS  Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя