I'm sorry

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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up feeling groggy. Ugh. My head. It was killing me. I put a hand to my head. Ouch. That's a killer headache. "Careful baby, you used a lot of magic last night", I heard a familiar voice. But it can't be. Can it? I slowly let my eyes flutter open. And my eye sight was a bit blurry from just waking up. But once I was able to see things clearly, I was facing a white blonde haired man. And not just any white blonde haired man. It was David. He was sitting in front of me. On my bed.

"I'm dreaming, aren't I? I still asleep. I'm still dreaming. You can't be here, you just can't be here", I whispered. I slowly got out of my covers and slowly crawled closer to him. I hesitated. Afraid if I touched him, he would disappear. But I took the risk and slowly and shakily placed my hands on his cheeks. They were solid. And he didn't disappear the minute I touched him. I could feel my eyes begin to water. But I didn't let them fall. I forced them back. I've done enough crying. "You can't be here. It's not possible, but your solid, how-how is that possible?", I stuttered. I shivered when he placed his hands on my lower arms. But then, before I knew it. I was then on his lap. Whoa! What the hell? And this time, it was his turn to put his hands on my cheeks. Which I couldn't help but lean into.  His hands felt so solid. "That dream I had. It wasn't a dream. Last night. The fight we had, it wasn't a dream. It happened, didn't it?", I asked him. He sighed. He then placed his forehead on top of mine. I didn't pull away.

I wasn't angry anymore. I let all my anger out last night. I just felt shock, surprise, and maybe even a little sad. "I'm right here baby. I'm right here. I know it's hard to believe, but I am right here. With you, I'm holding you. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I know me and the boys have promised you that before. But we're making sure we keep this promise. We're here to stay sweetheart. I promise you that. I swear it", he whispered to me. And I was shocked. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. He was crying. The whole time I've known him. He rarely ever cries. Not David. I slowly raised my hands and wiped away his tears. "Davie?", I whispered. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry baby. I should have known what we were doing wasn't the greatest idea. But I had my head so far up my ass that I didn't see what was going to happen. And I didn't think about us or our family. And for that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't think about us, I'm sorry I even crossed paths with Michael. It should have just been us. It would have been enough for me. Us. Me, the boys, and you. Safe and happy. But I didn't think about it. I don't even know why I even wanted Michael in the family anymore. And I'm sorry how everything went down. We didn't want you to see any of that. And I hope you can forgive us for that, and maybe, maybe give us a second chance", he whispered. I watched as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

I gently cooed, I cupped his face. Our faces so close to one another again. I wiped his teary face. "David. I love you. But sometimes your dumb and don't think things through. But I love you anyways. And I will give you and the boys a second chance, but only, only if you never ever do anything like that again. Or I swear I will kick all of your asses. I'm not kidding. I will kick your asses for putting me through all that. Because I can not live through all that again. And not have you by my side again. And now that I'm grown, I will make sure all four of you keep your promises", I told him sternly. I felt and saw him chuckle. "I love you, so much lizzie. You have no idea how much. I don't deserve you. I don't. But I will make sure none of put your through any of that, ever again. And I will make sure of that. Because I can't live a life where your not in it", he whispered to me. He gently placed a soft kiss to my cheek. And then another one on my other cheek. I couldn't help but smile. I could feel his love again. Through our bond.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. Hugging him closer to me. Running my fingers through his hair. I breathed him in. I clenched my eyes closed. To stop myself from crying. It's been so long. So long. I felt him run his hands up and down my back. I just clung to him. Not wanting to let go. I dug my fingers into his shirt. It's been so long. And I deserved this. I deserved this. I get to hold him as long as I can. Because I deserve it. I went through so much pain. I get to have this. I get to have this damn it! He was my mate! Mine! And for years, he was ripped away from me. All four of them. They were ripped away from me at a young age. I never even got to know that they were my mates. I had to find out myself! They didn't even get to have a chance to tell me. I was mateless for years! I was in pain for years, and for years I didn't know why. I didn't know why! And now I know why.

But now, now with this time. I get to hold him and know, I know that he's real. He's here, so are the rest of my boys. They were real. They were alive. My boys were alive. I don't know how. I'll ask about it later. I just want to hold him. I want to make myself know he was here. I was holding him. And he was holding me. He was real. He was very real. And I just have to make myself believe it. Because he was. He was real.

"I love you", I whispered into his shoulder. I loved him with all my heart. I loved all my boys. And for years, I believed my heart was taken, or broken. But now, my heart was repaired and whole. The never ending pain was gone. I was filled with love. And I was loved. Again. By my mates. And I never wanted any of them to leave my sides.

They were mine.

And I was theirs.

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