A year later

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Elizabeth's POV A year later.

Hi guys! It's been a year. I really really miss you guys. Max tells me that you guys are safe now. And that your not hurting anymore. I hope you can see me from where you are. To see me writing this. I don't know why I'm writing this. Seeing as you guys will never get it. And I'm still working on my writing. But I was told that if I write a letter to you, it'll make me feel better. It kinda does. Even though I miss you so so much. Are you guys in heaven? Is it beautiful there? Is it like everyone says it is? Can you see me? I wish I could see you. It's really hard some days. Without you guys. But I have max and thorn now. But it's not the same. Not without you.

Max comes and goes sometimes. But he knows I'll be safe with these nice people. They are weird and have pretty golden eyes. But they are really nice. They are my friends now. And I'm being home schooled right now. I'm learning so much. You guys would be so proud of me. I learned so much about math and my writing. Esme says I'm a natural. I love it, I love learning new things. It's so exciting. But I wish you were here to see it. Maybe you are, and I'm the one that can't see you. I wish I could. I really do.

My birthday passed again. Now I'm in the two digits. I'm ten years old now! My hair had grown out so much since the last time. But no matter how many birthday wishes or stars I wish on, you'll never come back to me. I know that now. But I don't think I can ever stop wishing for you to come back home. It's just so hard. When there are things that always remind me of you guys.

I miss your guys laughs, your cuddles, your hugs, and I just miss seeing your face all the time. But at least you guys are happy and not hurting no more. I just wish I could be happy with you. But I know that's not possible.

I love you guys. Forever. Our next life will be better. I promise. I'll make sure of it. I'll keep all of us safe.

Till next time guys.

I love you.


Love Lizzie.


I sniffled and wiped my eyes of tears. It was my first time writing to them. And it did feel better. But it didn't stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks. I just miss them so much. And I know. I cry too much. But every time I think of them or something reminds me of them. It makes me want to cry. It's so hard to move on. Not when I loved them so dearly. I just wish they were here.

I miss you guys. So much. And I promise. I'll always write to you. Even if you guys don't get them physically. I know you can read them. From above. It's called express mail. I giggled to myself as I wiped my cheeks. Express mail.

"Lizzie?", I heard Edward's voice on the other side of my door. I quickly wiped my tears so it wouldn't look like I was crying. I then shoved my letter somewhere safe. So no one would find it.

"Yes?", I asked softly. They never come into my room without knocking. Which I'm glad for. I gently rubbed Thorns head. Who was laying down at my feet. "It's time for your music lesson", Edward said on the other end of the door. Oh! Yay! I love my music lessons! "Coming!", I yelled excitedly. I loved music. As did I love drawing. I love to draw! I'm getting better and better every day. Soon I'll be a artist! I just know I will. I have that feeling in my gut that I will.

I quickly scrambled out of my room. Thorn trailing after me. Edward simply smiled at me. "Ready to play some keys today, Lizzie?", he asked me. I nodded my head excitedly. I so excited. "Yeppp!", I said while popping the P. It showed how excited I was. I skipped my way into the living room. Which was deserted. But I just shrugged and made my way over to the piano. I've been taught by the best. I'm pretty sure I got it down by now. I sat down on the little seat and waited for Edward. I turned my head to look at him. "You ready?", he asked me. I can see it in his eyes. He had confidence that I could do this. And I had confidence that I could do this. I know I can do this. I took a deep breath in and breathed it out. "I'm ready", I told him. He gave me a encouraging smile. "Whenever your ready", he told me. I smiled and nodded.

I got this. I've got this. Picture it.

Just picture it.

I breathed in and out.

I closed my eyes and let my fingers do the job.

My fingers danced across the keys. I could hear the music flow through my ear drums. I felt the music speak to me. And then I let the memories hit me all at once.

I could picture markos smile in my mind. I could hear Dwayne's laugh ring through my ears. I could hear David whisper 'I love you'. In my ears. And then somehow feel Paul's arms wrap around me in a tight hug. I didn't even notice the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. It felt so good, to hear them, to feel them again. It's been so long. It's only been a year. But it feels like forever.

The music. The music was my connection with them.

And once the music ended. So did everything else. I closed my eyes again. Clenching them tightly. But then I jumped when I heard clapping. My eyes fluttered open. And I saw that me and Edward weren't alone. I blushed red. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously. "That was beautiful", Esme cooed at me. At that moment I felt very shy. I turned to Edward. Who was looking at me with astonishment. "Did I do it right?", I asked him. He scuffed and I felt dread hit me. "Did you do it right? You did more then just that. Lizzie, that was beautiful. And perfect. Your a natural at the piano. You did a great job. I'm proud of you", he said.

"We all are", Rosalie said as she caressed my hair. Wow. When did she get there? Dang them and their vampire speed. I bit my lip nervously. "Thanks", I whispered shyly. They all chuckled at my nervousness. "Okay, now who's ready to draw?", Esme asked me. My eyes widened with excitement. Drawing! I got off of the piano seat and jumped up with excitement. "I am! I am! Let's go! Let's go!", I said excitedly. I grabbed Esme by her hand and nearly dragged her to go draw. She giggled as I dragged her away from the living room.

I'm just so excited.

She's been teaching me some  things in drawing. New sketches and new ways to draw. I can't wait until I'm able to draw like a adult. It's gonna take awhile. But I'll get there. I know I will. Anything I put my mind to, I can do it. That's what marko always told me. I smiled at the thought.

I'll make you proud marko.

I promise.

My giggle echoed off the walls of the house. I loved it here. And I was starting to like my new family. But it can never beat my family. Because they will always be with me. In my heart. And I love them so much. Even if they aren't with me physically. I know they're with me.


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