Part 1

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In the beginning

"Hey Ella, are you coming to the party after school?" Hearing my name, I looked in the direction of the voice. Robby was standing with the usual crowd, smiling at me. "Ah, maybe. I'm not sure if I'm feeling up to it." I said awkwardly as I walked towards the group, all eyes falling on me with my approach. While some of my 'friends' enjoy the busy party filled life style, it's not really me. I can quite happily curl up with a book and a blanket and be content each night. Robby slung his arm around me. "Oh come on, last time you promised and bailed. You owe me." He said encouragingly. I know what you're thinking, is this handsome guy with his arm around me my boyfriend, or just in to me even? The answer is no. I have nothing going for me. I don't think I'm pretty, nor does anyone else I know. Why they're so keen to get me to hang out? I'm clueless.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's really just not me." As I said that I wiggled my way out of his arm, but before I could escape he grabbed my hand. I looked back at him, shocked by the gesture. "Oh come on Ella Bella. Just come for me, I promise you will have fun." He said with that charming voice of his as he stared into my soul. I could feel a blush building on my cheeks. "Okay, fine. I'll come. But I have to get going now, I'll see you later." I said as I quickly turned and left so he couldn't see the pink cheeks. I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked away. Getting anxious at the thought of leaving my comfort zone. I pushed the thought out of my head, I really did have to get going. I made my way to the front gates of the school where my ride was waiting. My older brother Jackson was sitting there impatiently.

"Really." He said sounding annoyed as I jumped in the car. "I know, sorry. I got held up." I said as I buckled up my seat belt. Like that we were off. He dropped me off on the way home. I have a couple of part time jobs, trying to start saving for my future. Nerdy I know. Today I had a shift at the ice cream shop, so unique right? I rushed in and chucked on my apron, trying to blend in like I wasn't running late. "Ella." The disapproving voice made itself known. "Sorry sir. Won't happen again." I said as I walked up to the counter. Anton just laughed, knowing that was a lie. I turned to face my first customer of the afternoon, but I wasn't able to get a word out. The young guy standing in front of me was so hot. I say young, but I think he is a few years older than me at least. I'm 18, on my last year of high school hence the saving money.

"Hey." He said with this amazing smile. "Ahh... hey." I said awkwardly. Why yes, I am a very awkward person, not entirely great at human interactions. I tried to compose myself with a smile. "What can I get you?" I asked hoping he didn't notice my incompetence. "Double scoop of cookies and cream please." He said, still smiling. And those eyes. They're such a dark brown, it felt like he was staring right into my soul. "Sure thing." I said as I quickly started scooping the ice cream. "You have a pretty smile." He said unexpectedly. And my stupid reaction... I broke the ice cream cone. And there it was, I'm now flustered and grasping for my life to end to save further embarrassment. "Dammit." I muttered under my breath. I quickly cleaned up the mess and grabbed another cone. I made his new ice cream and handed it to him, taking the payment with shaky hands.

"Nice to meet you Ella. Thanks for the ice cream." The handsome guy said as he walked away. I just stood there unable to move. What just happened? I shook it off and forced myself to push past it. The rest of my shift was pretty uneventful. After locking up, I waited for my ride. "Hey mum." I said as I climbed into the car. "Hey Hun, how was work?" I just shrugged, deciding not to go into the mysterious handsome guy that likes my smile. We made small talk all the way home. "Oh, some friends are getting together tonight. Can I go?" I asked before we got out of the car. She just nodded. Being an antisocial like I am has its perks. I am immensely trusted, and any time I ask to socialise, they damn near encourage it. So we made our way inside, I quickly went and got ready. "Dinners up Hun." Mum called down the hall. I looked at my watch, already 8.45pm. Suppose I have a few minutes to eat.

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