Part 3

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~~~Koda POV~~~

Shit. How didn't I catch his scent before she seen him. She was terrified. Remo was doing his duty and protecting her. He was just staring at her and grinning. "Come on. Let's go." I said as I jumped to my feet, holding my hand out towards her. She didn't hesitate to grab it. I pulled her to her feet and moved her behind me. "I don't understand, why is he stalking me? I've never even seen him before." She sounded so distressed. "Not so brave now, are you Koda?" The strange man called out across the park. I just gasped. "You know him?" She asked, sounding hurt. "I can explain, we just need to get away from him first." Koda said as he turned to face me, trying to get me to walk away.

~~~Ella POV~~~

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on!" I said sternly. The mystery guy was starting to make his way towards us, freaking me out even more. "Ella please, he will try and hurt you. Just trust me, okay?" Koda said as he grabbed my hand again. This time he just started walking, pulling me along with him. I gave in and just went with it. We weren't running away, but we were walking very quickly. I noticed them as Koda did. Cops. Shockingly the ones I spoke to this morning. "Excuse me officers!" I called out as I rushed up to them. "I'm not sure if you remember me from this morning, but the guy is back and following me!" My voice sounded so distressed. I quickly pointed the guy out to them and they ran off after him. "Problem solved." I said as I sat down on a park bench.

"Good thinking, but I'm afraid it may not stop him from coming back." He said looking serious. "Okay, what the hell is going on? Who is that person, how do you know him and why is he chasing me?" I was done with the niceties. He sighed. "His name is Xavier and he is not a good person. I know him through my family." He said without looking at me. "So why is he following me?" He just shrugged. "To make my life hell probably. He must have seen me with you and figured out that I like you." He said simply. "Okay, who the hell are you? Why do I always feel so weird and out of control when I am with you?" I asked as I stood up with frustration. "Ella, I told you..." He said quietly. "That 'I would never speak to you if you told me who you are' who even says things like that?"

I was pacing as I spoke. "I said it because it is true. I can't tell you the truth, I'm sorry. Now can you please sit down?" He asked as he motioned beside him. I just shook my head. "No, if you can't tell me the truth. We, this, whatever this is, it's over." I said as I stormed off. I ran off out of the park, not once glancing behind me. I made my way back to the animal shelter, Sarah should be about to close up for the day. I got there just in time, she was locking the doors. "Hey Sarah." I said as I walked up to her, giving her a fright. "Hey Hun?" She said, concerned to see me back. "Would you mind giving me a lift home?" I asked, trying not to let on how upset I am. "Of course! Are you okay?" I just nodded.

We didn't really speak the whole way to my house. She tried one more time when we got there, asking if I was okay. I let on that I was. She knew I was lying but she didn't want to pry. I thanked her for the ride then headed inside. I just went straight to my room, without speaking to anyone. I curled up on my bed and stayed there for the rest of the day. When it was dinner time I just grabbed my food and went back upstairs. I did this for the rest of the weekend, I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. Come Monday, I grimaced at the thought of school. Koda had been trying to contact me all weekend, I just ignored him. I took the week off from both my jobs, I couldn't be bothered interacting with people and I also didn't want Koda turning up.

I made it through the week, it was Friday after school. Like last week I ran into Robby and his group on the way out. "Hey Ella, you coming tonight?" He asked, smiling as usual. "No, not this time." I said as I tried to keep walking. He left his group and followed me, grabbing my arm to stop me. "Hey, are you okay? You've seemed... different all week." I sighed as I turned to face him. "I'm fine, just not in the mood for a party. I'll see you next week." I smiled then walked away. I jumped in my brothers car and we went home. Like every other day I just went straight up to my room. A few hours passed then there was a knock at my door. "Hey hun, your friend is here." My mum said as she opened my door and poked her head in.

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