Part 8

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~~~Ella POV~~~

I ended up taking some extended leave from school. I was still doing my school work (the stuff I could while away), just at home. Home still being Koda's apartment. I'll admit, I could do a lot better with my work, but Koda is so distracting lol. It's been a month and a half. I've been working on my control daily. That poor kid I attacked didn't remember anything. Well if he did... He didn't say anything. We visit my family once a week, just to keep in contact. I don't go out much, I get too stressed about loosing control. Koda has been trying to encourage me to leave my comfort zone, telling me it's the only way to work on it. Which I guess is true. I'm just not ready.

I've gotten a lot better with the blood. I don't ravage it like an animal like I had been. I can calmly drink it. So yeah, I've come a long way. I'm just not quite there yet. "Morning beautiful." Koda said as he pulled me closer to him in bed. "Morning." I rolled over to face him. "How did you sleep?" I just shrugged. I still sleep a lot, he said its normal. He's been a vampire for a long time, so he's well adjusted to not needing the normal human things in life. I still sleep at minimum 50% of what I used to as a human. Where as Koda can go with no sleep if he wants to. He normally stays in bed with me for all, if not most of the night. He's too good.

I always tell him he doesn't have to, but he likes to cuddle me. It also helps me sleep better. What does he do for an entire night your ask? He goes on his phone or watches something on the TV. He's got ear buds so I don't have to hear as much of what he's watching. Some nights he sleeps the entire time I do, it varies. "Today my love, we are going out in public. We are going to be around a lot of people. And you are going to excel and be totally fine." He said as he kissed me. I was already freaking out, but I know I have to do it. We got up and had breakfast, yes some actual breakfast, and of course some blood on the side.

Like a lot of the human necessities, I still eat a fair bit of human food. After breakfast I helped clean up all the dishes. "Alright. Let's shower and get ready to go." He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. His shower is literally like a two person shower, it's neat. So we had a hot and steamy shower (not just from the temperature 😉) which got me nice and calmed down before we went out. Once we were dressed and ready to go, I put a lead on Remo's collar.

 Once we were dressed and ready to go, I put a lead on Remo's collar

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Here's the pretty boy.

And so we ventured down town. It was very overwhelming, people and cars everywhere. We decided to start out on some quieter streets. We were walking down an empty street, then I smelled them. My blood instantly boiled. All rational thoughts disappeared. Within a split second, my control was gone. I didn't run off or anything, but I was ready to kill them.

~~~Koda POV~~~

We had moved to a quiet street for now. I was taking in the scenery when the wind changed. I got a hint of a vaguely familiar smell. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I looked at Ella. She was so mad, her heart was pounding and her eyes had gone dark. Like they were fully black... I've never seen that happen before. Her body was so tense, staring at an entrance to a dirty alley way. Then two guys step out. The moment I recognised the scent, it was too late. She was running at them. She tackled one guy to the ground and started hitting him. Remo was going crazy, I sprinted and tried to pry her off the guy. The other guy was just frozen, not moving, not knowing what to do.

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