Part 5

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~~~Ella POV~~~

I spent the whole of Sunday with Koda and Remo. It was nice. I didn't end up going home until dinner time last night. I kept to myself at school like I normally do. I was kinda sad that I couldn't spend the day with Koda. I still have suspicions about him, but he treats me better than anyone ever has. We have resulted to texting like little school girls. I get excited everytime I get a message from him... 'Wanna hang out when I get off?'  I text him during morning break. I'm like an addict. 'Can't today sorry, have some business to attend to.' I stared at the message all through my break.

Such a simple, harmless message. But I couldn't shake that something was off about it. I just ignored it and went about my day. I reached lunch by the time he sent another text to follow up. 'I'm sorry, I can't cancel on my plans. I'll make it up to you, I promise.' He text, I wasn't going to reply again, but figured I should. 'It's okay, don't worry about it.' The conversation after that was just normal, asking how my day was etc. He wouldn't tell me what the mystery plans were, he'd just say it was important, or not to worry about it. After school when my brother picked me up, he noticed my mood instantly.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he drove away from the school. "Nothing." I said bluntly. "Can you drop me off in town?" He was hesitatant, but abliged. You see, Koda gave me a key card to his apartment when he dropped me home yesterday. He said he trusts me. I guess right now I'd be breaking his trust, but he's breaking mine. He's hiding something. I said hi to Gary on my way up. Luckily he wasn't actually here... I started looking everywhere, I don't know what I was looking for. But I knew there is something hiding in this damn apartment. I tore apart everything (nicely of course, I'm not here) Then I came to the fridge. I opened the door.

Just as bare as it was during the weekend. The pit of my stomach told me to keep looking. I started running my hands over every surface in there, looking for something, anything. Then I found it. A little notch in the back of the fridge. It took me a bit, but I managed to pry it open. What I seen next, I was not prepared for. I reached in a grabbed a bag. It was so cold against my warm hands. I just stared at it, not knowing what to do. I felt sick. When my phone went off in my pocket it scared the crap out of me. I dropped the bag and it exploded on the floor. Full. Panic. Mode.

"Fuck!" I swore under my breath. I scrambled to find something to clean it up. It took me ages. Once I had cleaned it up, I looked over everything one more time. Happy with it, it left. I went straight home. As soon as I got home I tried to go up to my room but my mum stopped me. "Honey, are you okay? You're very pale." She said, voice full of concern. "I'm fine, just tired." I said then I quickly walked off. I went upstairs, aiming for my room. But I then had to run to the bathroom. I threw up. It was god awful. Once I was done I went to my room and curled up in a ball on my bed. Then my phone starting ringing. 'Hey, I'm done a lot earlier than I thought, did you still want to hang out?' Koda asked, sounding cheerful. 'I'm still about half an hour away is all.' I shook my head then realised he couldn't see me.

'Not today, have a lot of homework and stuff to do. Sorry.' I was trying to stay calm while I spoke. 'Oh, okay then. I could pick you up from school tomorrow?' I mentally sighed. 'I'm actually busy all week. I have a big test coming up. I'll talk to you later.' Before he could say anything else I ended the call. I put my arms around myself, as tightly as I could. Then I just stayed like that.

~~~Koda POV~~~

That was weird. I thought to myself. Ella seemed very off on the call just now. I brushed it off and continued my journey home. When I got back shift change had happened. "Hey John." I said as I walked in. "Evening Mr Miller." He smiled as I walked past. I made my way upstairs and walked into my apartment. I soon as I shut the door I froze. My eyes went wide as I rushed into the kitchen. I stood by the fridge, looking around. I couldn't see anything... But I can smell it. I tried to calm myself and took a deeper breath in. Ella. She's been here recently. "Fuck!" I said as I flung the fridge door open. I opened the compartment at the back. There is a bag missing!

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