Part 7

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~~~Ella POV~~~

"You're going to be fine, I promise. Just go about your day like normal." Koda said as he pulled me into a hug. I've come a long way in the past few days. "I'm scared." I said as I buried my face in his shoulder. My family got home from the trip last night, but still stayed the night with Koda." He hasn't let me out of his sight since I asked about our immortality. He still hasn't told me what can kill us, which is a little concerning because I don't know what to look out for. "Just remember, take it slow. It's too easy to just zoom around, people will notice so try your best not to."

I tunes back in to him talking, I hope I didn't miss anything... "Alright, I'll drop you off and pick you up. Okay? If you need anything or if anything happens, just call me. I'll come straight away." He said as he kissed the top of my head. And so we left. He parked out the front of the school. I alreasy felt so overwhelmed. I could smell and hear every student. I could hear their heartbeats. I started to freak out. "I can't do this." I said as I turned to look at Koda, panicked. "I know it's overwhelming. You will be okay. I'll stay here for a bit if you like, I can take Remo to the park across the street." I just nodded.

Koda kissed me a couple of times then urged me to go. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I flung my bag over my shoulder and started to walk to my first class. Trying to best to walk normally as well as ignore everyone around me. I made it to my first class and sat right at the back. I managed to make it through with no drama. I did the same with my next class. At morning break I tried to head somewhere secluded, so I didn't have to be around people. The spot I went to did not work out in my favour. There was an emo looking kid there smoking pot. I tried to leave before he noticed me, but I wasn't so lucky.

"Hey you!" The guy called out to me. "Why don't you come hang out with me?" He called out, he really didn't need to speak so loud. I was just gonna walk away, but he called out to me again. "What, you afraid of me or something? I'm harmless." He laughed as he got up from his seat. He started walking towards me. "I promise we can be friends. I'm not a creep or anything. Totally harmless." He said as he came up behind me. Yeah, but I'm not. I thought to myself. Then like that I lost control. I spun around in the blink of an eye, then my teeth were in his throat. I had lost all control. He made a horrible gurgling attempt at a scream as I drank. I knew I should stop. But I couldn't.

~~~Koda POV~~~

I'd hung around for a bit this morning when she first went to school. There were no problems so I headed off to do some errands. I decided to stop by before I went home. We've been texting, that's how I knew she is coping okay. She'd said she was on morning break, so I decided to sneak in and see her. Remo sensed it like I did as we walked up to the school. "On no." I said as I looked at Remo. Then I just ran. The smell got stronger as I got closer. She was too caught up that she didn't notice me. I could hear his heartbeat fading. I threw myself into her. Knocking her to the ground and throwing him away from her.

She instantly got back up and snarled at me. "Ella, no! You're going to kill him!" I said as I pushed her back. She slowly claimed down, then realised what she'd done. "Oh my God." She said quietly as she dropped to her knees. I rushed over to the guy, he was barely holding on. I made a cut on my wrist and fed him some blood. Well a decent amount. I needed it to work. The wound on his neck started to heal, I sighed with relief. "Thank God." I said as I sat back. Ella was still where she dropped, crying. I stood up and went over to her. "Where was he before all this? He reaks of pot, so hopefully he'll think he was just tripping."

She shakily pointed at a concrete wall. I picked him up and laid him down on the ground beside the wall. Hopefully the bite mark heals completely before he wakes up. I rushed back over to Ella. Thankfully she wasn't smothered in blood this time. "Alright, let's go." I said as I dragged her to her feet. Remo was just hovering the whole time this was going down. He's a very good dog. I quickly used the sleeve of my Jersey to wipe the blood off of her face, good thing I chose a to wear black today. I wiped as much off as I could, then we left. She didn't fight me on it or anything, she just walked along with me.

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