Part 9

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Koda POV

I got cold shouldered all night, rough. As per usual I was up before Ella, I actually slept through the night tonight. I was still feeling off about yesterday... We both killed someone yesterday. It was the first person I have killed, the first person Ella has killed... I am so worried about her. I went and made coffee, guilty pleasure that I kept even after turning. I took a cup into the room for Ella, she was wide awake when I walked in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked as I sat down beside her. "Fine?" She said as she gave me a weird look, then she sipped her coffee. I just frowned. "Why?" She asked as she climbed out of bed.

"Ella, we both killed a person yesterday. Human beings..." I followed her into the bathroom, where she was turning the shower on. She just shrugged. "They killed me." Was all she said as she stepped into the steaming hot water. I didn't even know how to respond. I just stood there, staring blankly. I wasn't even looking at her, I was just staring into space. I sighed as I decided to let it go. I'm not going to get through to her at the moment, when she is ready I will be here for her. My emotions were getting the better of me, so I went and had some blood.

We didn't end up doing much today, mostly just stayed around the apartment. We went for a small walk with Remo, no fatalities this time. The two dead guys have been all over the news. They're broadcasting it as a wild dog attack, which is fair. Ella literally ripped the guy apart... "Hey babe. What do you want for dinner?" I asked as I walked into the lounge. "Not hungry." Was the only response I got, I sighed as I sat down beside her. "I don't believe you. Your still in the stage where you should be more hungry than normal. I'll make anything you want." I tried and failed. She stuck with the 'I'm not hungry' all night. At least she drank some blood.

Ella POV

"I'm going to a party. Just got a text from Robby, they're having a massive piss up." I said as I climbed off the couch. I walked away before Koda could say anything. I dug through the whole closet then got annoyed. "Ugh, I don't have anything to wear." I turned around and Koda was standing right behind me. "Do you really think it's a good idea to go to a party right now?" He asked as he grabbed my hands. "You said I need to socialise more, so I don't bite people." I said as I pretended to bite his neck. "I'm going shopping, are you coming?" I asked as I threw a pair of shoes on. He just sighed, he won't let me go alone. And so we went shopping, I brought a sexy black dress and some heels to go with.

The party would already be in full swing by now. I didn't bother to go home, I just got changed in the car. He spent the whole drive trying to talk me out of going. He eventually gave up when we arrived. He has said that we can't really get drunk because of what we are, I was about to put that to the test. I made my way straight to the drinks table and put away four of them then grabbed two cups to head off with. Koda was just following me around. "Ella?" I turned towards the confused voice. "Robby!" I smiled as I turned to face him. He pulled me into a hug then placed me back on my feet. "Wow, look at you! Man, where have you been, I've missed you at school." He said as he looked awkwardly at Koda.

Koda POV

"Oh, just having some me time. I shouldn't be gone for much longer." Ella said as she finished her fifth cup of alcohol. I just internally sighed. She is going to break one day... and it is not going to be good. At the moment she is making her way to the top of the emotions rollercoaster. She spoke with Robby for a bit longer, then he finally noticed me. It only took me placing my arm around her for him to notice. He frowned as he looked at me. "I'm Robby." He said as he held his hand out to me, I begrudgingly shook it. Ella finished her sixth drink as soon as we started talking, then she slipped away. "Koda. Would love to chat, but I have to go." Before he could say anything else I went off to find Ella.

I checked the drinks table, not there. Now I am concerned. I continued looking until I found her, and believe me when I said I was shocked. I found her on top of a table, dancing... She had another two cups in her hand and she was spilling the drinks as she jumped around. I couldn't help but laugh, I guess it's good that she is having some fun. "Ella, babe you should get down before you fall down." She wouldn't listen to me, she just kept going. Another girl then joined her up there. I decided to just stand back and leave her for a bit.

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