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smut warning because i'm in need of affection.

TW- mentions of rape and abuse.

it's been days since seungmin last saw hyunjin, he would see him at school but he stopped hanging out with him and bothering him after school.

seungmin didn't know if he felt happy or sad, he thought he would feel happy because hyunjin was no longer up his ass but he felt sad, like a piece of  himself was missing.

seungmin laid in his bed, thinking like he always does when he's alone. he checked his phone to see if anyone messaged him but there was nothing.

seungmin figured to head to hyunjin's house and see what he was doing, it was seungmin's turn to annoy him.

seungmin knocked on hyunjin's front door waiting for a response. "who is it?" hyunjin called out as he opened the door.

"oh seungmin, what are you doing here," hyunjin leaned on the door frame. "you haven't spoken to me in a while," seungmin crossed his arms.

"yeah.. sorry," hyunjin shrugged. "that's it? sorry? i don't want an apology i want to know why you've been ignoring me!" seungmin huffed.

"first of all i'm not ignoring you, second of all i thought you hated me, what are you doing here?" hyunjin raised his eyebrow.

"i wanted to see you, you haven't come over in a while," seungmin frowned.

"i thought after what happened the last time i was over, your grandma wouldn't wanna see me again," hyunjin stared at the younger.

"my grandma doesn't mind, she likes you, and i miss having you around to annoy me," seungmin bit his lip.

"oh? pup misses mommy?" hyunjin smirked. "not in the way you think," seungmin rolled his eyes.

"i don't mind if you wanna have some fun," hyunjin grabbed seungmin's hand and brought him into his house.

"no one is home, you can have all the fun you want," hyunjin smiled. "how about let's just watch a movie," seungmin stated.

"you're really boring," hyunjin huffed sitting down and choosing a movie to put on. seungmin sat next to him leaning onto his shoulder.

hyunjin ended up choosing a comedy movie, hyunjin watched him as he smiled and laughed. "you have a really cute laugh," hyunjin smiled.

"thank you," seungmin blushed, he hated how one compliment from hyunjin could make him blush so easily.

hyunjin saw how he turned a bit pink and he chuckled at the sight. he placed a soft kiss on seungmin's head.

seungmin paused the movie and looked up at hyunjin. "what's wrong?" hyunjin asked.

"i want to tell you about my past," seungmin placed his hand in his own lap. "are you sure? you don't have to if you don't want to," hyunjin caressed seungmin's cheek.

"no i want to, the past few weeks with you have been amazing, you're really fun and you're nice and genuine towards me, you don't push me around and you don't treat me as if i'm gonna break down any moment, i know felix told you that i had it rough last year," seungmin stated.

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