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"It's been a while since I last went out like this"

Walking down the sidewalk with the two of them clearly walking on the inner side of the path,

It seems like these two knew that it was 50% safer inside but none had enough courage to actually talk about it,

They are just walking very closely beside each other now.

It just hit 1 am and that's not even that late for Chaewon's taste,

And though it is already 1 am here in Seoul,

Korean's tend to have a pretty admirable night life because the amount of couples still walking the opposite way of Chaewon and Minju,

Doesn't even bother them unless the girl looks like she had too much to drink or if the guy looks suspicious about something,

Other than that people actually talk to other people if they need help so nobody's really listening to music with both ears when walking down at night.

"Drinking out?"

"Yup, especially tonight, it's a Thursday and I even went out with someone I barely even know"

Minju's soft smile got Chaewon feeling a little bit embarrassed and in within the thoughts of processing if she really did just say that or not,

Like that's so much like something her brother would say to other people but she never really thought she would ever pull it off just like that herself.

"They even say I'm not rebellious"

"Oh I don't think I trust 'them' so much"

Good thing flow of thought exist and actually 60% of what you think is something a normal human being would say.

And this my friend's is Chaewon's own body taking over for her until she could turn auto-pilot off and her head can look back at where she's going rather than the ground she's walking on.

"Good thing I filed a two-day leave"

Looking at Chaewon to see her endlessly gazing at the buildings and cars parked by the road in front of them,

They're just taking their own time with walking to the bus stop right now and it's really a good thing to have someone walking with you at night.

Minju saw how Chaewon looked so emotionless when she said that she was 'glad' that she filed her two days' worth of leave,

And she's not really buying the whole glad and grateful thing.

I mean just look at her,

She knows she had the chance to stop her from going out to drink earlier but she barely knows her,

And that makes her more of a person not allowed to give someone they just met a very biased opinion based on what you know,

She's just worried that she's still in the same phase as she was earlier.

"You should have enough rest until tomorrow then"

Seeing a small chance on getting back on track with having a decent conversation with Minju,

Chaewon immediately jumped back on her seat to control herself to reduce the chances of saying embarrassing things right in front of her right now,

She's been giving her a stern and secured person vibe for the whole evening so why would she spoil it with one wrong move that could possibly turn Minju off, personality wise.

"Oh right, how about you, don't you have work?"

"I actually have work tomorrow so wish me luck"

Through Sunsets and MidnightsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora