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Closing all of the windows after locking the doors for their own safety,

The rain got harder and harder every time Chaewon moved from one side to another while Minju,

Was just there watching her run across the room every 45 seconds from the sofa she was ordered to stay on,

While she makes sure that nothing bad will happen with the both of them inside this secluded house,

Which only she, her mom and her brother knows the location of,

I mean Chaeyeon too, sort of,

She’s been here back when she and Chaewon were just kids following their parents around at least 2 decades ago,

And Chaewon’s mom wasn’t happy to see many people inside the premises of this small and dainty hut looking house,

Due to her dad not telling her they were all going here in the first place.

Chaewon knows how much this place means to her mom so for her to have access to it,

Without even telling her face to face,

Is enough to tell how much she trusts her only daugther to take care of things like this,

Things that can only be told to those you could trust even if your already bed ridden on the hospital in hopes of getting better,

The downsides to those isn’t losing the person you’re fighting for,

Willing or unwillingly,

The grief may stay with you for years and years on yet the responsibilities will be a lot more harder to handle,

Especially when it’s your mother in that bed right in front of you that’s making you feel a whole lot more pressured than how it’s really supposed to be.

Chaewon didn’t understand it in the first place why her mom slowly got distant and cold to her,

A year after she became a teenager when she was still at that age,

She needed her to cook her breakfast and help her with her homework or iron her uniform and buy her new clothes for her to wear when they go out,

It was just like she was a heavy burden she carried for 13 years then suddenly,

Was dropped onto the cold and muddy and rough floors of the world she has to live in for decades more,

That wasn’t the greatest thing she could’ve done with Chaewon after babying her for years but to think about it now,

If she didn’t land on the ground that day off her mother’s back,

She could’ve not thought about closing the windows that could let the rain in or make sure that the doors are locked so nobody unwanted can go in,

Or if they still had electricity running into the house or to make Minju go in to a place that has a roof to protect their heads from being soaking wet because of the rain,

Chaewon could’ve not learned any of these things if it wasn’t for her mother being harsh for her at the right time,

And the only thing she regrets is how she knew a couple of years later,

That her mom didn’t know how to help her own child mature,

That’s why she got such treatment like that throughout her teenage years.

Snapping back to reality when Minju took the empty cup off her hands once enough time has passed by after she sat down near her on the same couch,

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