the Real definition of a ride or die..

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Nevaeh POV)

Hours past by and only prince ray and Angela were here. The others went home.
They helped me cleaning this mess up before my mom comes home. She would have explode if she saw this.

'So... "What was all that about' I asked while washing my hands.

'Just forget about it Oke?' Jacob said and looked at Ray.

'Yeah.. It was non.. Just a misunderstanding ' Ray Said while looking on his phone.

'Are y'all kidding me?...' They ignored me ' I'M TALKING! How can I forget about that what just Happened ? Can you just be honest with me? For once?' Uhg I was so mad. Like .. It isn't so hard to tell me the truth.
Jacob walked to me and put me on the counter.

'Then don't get mad' I nodded and was ready to hear what ever was going to come outta Jacobs mouth ' Uhm Welp. I had drugs in my house. It's not mine I was just hiding it for my so called friends. But Ray was to NOSEY *looking at Ray* and found it. He wanted to throw it away 'cause he thought I would use it. But then one of my friends caught him. They were waiting for me in front my house and they catch Ray with it. So they texted me but like u saw I was sleeping. I guess Ray told them where I was *Giving Ray the side eye* and they found me. But there is no mo drugs in my house. I stopped doing that shii. I only had that one that Ray found, I promise' Damm....

' Look what u got yourself into. What if someone else found it.. Then u were a dead man ' I got off the counter and walked to Ray

' U a snitch for telling them where Jacob was tho.. But if u didn't they would have killed U. So lesson learned'

'I'm sorry tho.. But I'm going home. And Jacob... We cool?' He asked while looking at Jacob. Jacob hesitated at first but then gave Ray a handshake and said

'Sure.. Just don't get yourself in this situation again'

'Won't happen, bye' Ray left and Angela came downstairs

'Ew there were pieces of shit all over the floor AND I CLEANED IT 😭💔'

'HAHAHAHHAHA ' Jacob laughed. Jacob is so cruel.

'Jacob stop laughing ! Thank you, La. I love you'

'Whatever, text me later' and she walked outta the door.

Jacob laughed again 'Jacob that wasn't funny at all. Stop it' He looked on his phone while smiling and said

'For me it was like.. Who TF shits on the floor at a party?.. And who TF is gonna clean it 😭 '

I rolled my eyes and pushed his head. I looked on my phone and it was 3 pm. Damn the Time goes fast. Jacob ordered 2 pizzas for us 2 and put on some Netflix. We were watching 'Lost'. Man I love watching that.

Jacob was working on my nerves the whole time. He was tickling me and stuff. Man I miss him.. And now I am thinking about when he kissed me in the restroom in school😭

I sneezed 'Ew Ebola' He said and I gave him a glare. 'Hahaha whutttt???😌'

' you're working on my nerves. And there are really people with Ebola and u're making jokes' He sighed

'Don't take it that serious, u pregnant?'
And he smirked.

'UHGGG THIS IS WHAT I MEANT BY "u working on my nerves" STOPPP ' He laughed

'I know u liked it, Pretty'

I giggled ' U still calling me Pretty... Lame'

He smirked again and then there were nocking on the door. He opened the door payed that man and brought in the pizzas. I went upstairs and put some other clothes on (picture of how Nevaeh looks like and her clothes👆👆 )
I came back downstairs and sat right next to Jacob.
I wish we could do this often.. But I know it ain't gonna happen again. Why he gotta hurt me like that.. Why did he cheated on me. I miss him like crazy.

' Nae u Oke?' He held my face up and looked at me in the eyes 'Don't tell me yess cause I know u Nae..'
I ignored him cause if I would've talked.. I would've cried.
'Nevaeh? Please tell me what's on your mind'

'Why ?' U could hear that I was ready to cry

'Why "what?' He let my face slowly go and looked at my eyes.

'Why did u hurt me like this.. I didn't deserved it' I looked at my hands and then I felt a tear rolling down my left cheek. 'All I did was telling you the truth.. I did nothing wrong... Even tho I knew I did nothing wrong U made me feel like I was. And then u gonna do me like this? After all I did for u? After all I did for us? Every time I came back to fix us. And u gonna do me like this. And then U come with a lame ass excuse. U just wanted me to get angry.. To feel what U felt. But if u trusted me U knew there was nothing going on Jacob. He is just a good friend. All those things u should have done for me he did. I don't like to compare.. But he always was there for me when I was down.. When u hurt me.. He is a good friend and maybe you don't see it but.. I needed a friend like him. It's just cause he's a boy. Of course he can think I'm cute cause I know I ain't ugly. But he got his family. He is still fighting to get things right. Every time I wanted to tell i something about him I can't .. Cause u would get jealous. The problem is not u getting jealous but u getting mad. I was always afraid U would think I like him. U knew I wouldn't choose nobody above you... U knew it! But still u go around and cheat! U don't even mind to come to me and ask what is going up? I KNOWN I would have tell u the truth 'cause there is nothing to hide. You Did me dirty and I still stuck by ya side. Don't know if I was dumb or the Real definition of a ride or die.. '

He was quietly looking at me.. I looked back at him and saw regret in his eyes.. He was speechless but I can see it in his eyes that he was sorry.
I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

'It's Oke, u ain't gotta say non'

'Nevaeh... I'm so sorry. I know I did you wrong.. I know u didn't deserved it.. I wasn't thinking straight. After all.. I could have stopped her... I know I was wrong. I NEVER meant to make u feel like this. I know I hurt u.. I wish ....... I don't deserve you.. I'm sorry Nae I don't know what to do to make it up to u. I love you. I do. Know that my love for you is real. I won't give up on us Nae. Doesn't matter how long it takes I won't give up on us.


🌚🌚🌚 Sorry for updating late. Love y'all😭 😊 Vote and comment ❤️❤️

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