I'm addicted to you

227 17 4

Nevaeh POV )

2 months later.. and still not back with prince. Even tho he begged me.. He even cried but.. it is just killing me from the inside. Today I decided to go to school even tho I'm a little sick. I was sitting in the cafeteria with Angela melany and issa, Wellll... issa was sitting 2 chairs away from me. I guess he is scared lol.

Nae: issa come here!

issa: sshhhtt don't say my name to loud *whisper*

Nae: are u really that scared

issa: hell no.. but Jacob keep looking at me

angela: -,- come here

issa: nah thank you I pass. He can make my death seem like an accident.

mel: oh..my..lord *rolls eyes*

nae: if u don't sit right here *points at the chair next to me* in 3 seconds.. imma kill u and make it seem like an accident. On 3... 1...2..- (gco)

issa: oke oke!

He sat next to me and I hugged him on purpose. I could see on Issas face that he didn't like what I was doing but... oh well. I got up and excused my self to the restroom. When I was done doing what I needed to do I washed my hands and applied my lipgloss and made a 'pop" sound. I looked in the mirror if my hair was on point and it was. I heard the door opening and closing back till I saw Tiff and her friend. I rolled my eyes at her and putted some mascara. I was about to walk away but I fell hard.

Tiff: oops... my bad

She walked out with her side b*tch. She just putted her feet in front of mine so I could fall... Nahh I'm not done with her. I run after her and saw her laughing with her friend. I pushed her against the locker and holded her face HARD so she won't look away.

nae: I swear it's because you're pregnant I didn't beat the white outta you

Anna: uhh.. pregnant?

Her friend asked

tiff: Anna I'm not

nae: oh really?

tiff: yeah it was just a damn lie b*tch.

nae: good to know

tiff: why

nae: cause this

I punched her in the face and her friend Anna holded tiff up. This punch was that loud... I know cause everybody INCLUDING the teacher run to us to see what's going on. He (the teacher) run up to us and stood between us.


tiff: she *starts fake crying* she punched me

anna: out of no where!

nae: *gasp* Teach, because of her I fell

anna: liar!

Teach: Nevaeh Ramirez explain your story to the principal. Everybody else go to your lesson!

Everybody was still standing and looking at him

Teach: if y'all don't y'all can visit the principal to!!!!

Everybody run away. I just gave Tiff and Anna a look that could kill and just walked outta the school. No way I'm going to the principal. I heard somebody behind me so i turned around and started yelling.

Nae: WHAT!

prince:... are you oke

Awkward.... so .. Awkward. I just walked to my car. When I wanted to get in he closed my car door and pinned me against it and turned me around so I was facing him.

nae: Jacob Perez, what do u want?

prince: look nae.. I know I did wrong!

Nae: good

I dapped him and he just looked at me with a priceless look. I wanted to turn around but he pinned me back against the door of my car.

nae: what jake?!

prince: look just lemme talk.

nae: I've already heard it

prince: I love you! I love you Nevaeh and it's killing me to not have you around me. I swear nae please forgive me and I won't ever do it again. I will never cheat on you

nae: you know what.. no. That's what all boys says but after the girls give them a chance they do it again. I'm not taking a risk to let u hurt me.

prince: Nae u know I'm not like that!

nae: That's what I thought... but you are

prince: please nae, lemme prove you wrong. Lemme prove u that I'm not like that... please *tears in eyes*

nae: *looking away*

I can not see him like this.. I gotta be strong and don't take him back.

prince: *voice cracking* please.... Nevaeh

nae: Go to your class Jacob

prince: don't change the subject Nae... please I'm begging you

I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes. That's when I felt all the pain he gave me. All he has done that made me feel like crap. That made me feel like a piece of shitt... but then I remembered the good times we had.. The day he caught me looking him up and down. The day I woke up in his body. The day he kissed me in his car When I got my body back. The love we made.. the presents he gave me. The day he sang for me.. even that day that he told me that I'm his future wife and babymomma. I cried and shook my head.

nae: I'm sorry.. I don't wanna get hurt again.

prince: please don't cry.. I don't meant to make u feel like this.

He wiped my tears away

prince: all I'm asking is for a second chance.. I want u to forgive me..

Nae:..... I do forgive you

His face lighted up

nae: But that is all I do... forgive. I wish u the best. And I'm happy if you are... *voice cracking* Thank u for all the good times we had and to make me stronger and realize things .. learn from things. I'm sorry b-but this is just to much.

I pushed him of off me and headed in my car. I started it and looked at him. I saw him looking down with tears rolling down his face. That just made me cry even more. I rode to my house and wiped my tears away. I walked in my house and saw my mommy in the kitchen cooking. I run upstairs to my room and layed down on my bed. I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Princeton was texting me...uhhgg.. I needda change his name to.

prince♡:  You were right. Maybe I was just a person in your life to only teach you things Although I never ment to be that person. Maybe I should stop trying cause I've caused u a lot of pain.... Even If I told u I will never hurt u again. I was serious about that.. I wanted to treat u like my everything. Give u my all, presents, love... treat u like the princess you are. You were my Bestfriend and Sister. I wanna give u the world.. I love you.. I'm addicted to you.. I adore you. But it's to late. I know u forgave me but... I'm sorry again. Te amo♡

                          (send:  14:56)

I was in tears after I read this.. should I respond? what should I say?..... or just leave it like this.

I threw my phone on my desk and burried my face in my hand palm and cried. I love him so much.. I really do but y'all won't understand this pain.. I gave him my all.. and this is what I get in return?



Hey readers,

I know I know,  y'all can be mad at me, But hey! it's not me who cheated. So Nae can be mad of she wants to ^^

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xoxo Gabriëlla ♡

Me in an other body ( Princeton Story )Where stories live. Discover now