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"You are like the star of my life, Ma'am! I can't believe I am meeting you at last!" The young boy in front of her gushed out, going all fanboy over her making Mi hi smile at him politely.

"Well, thank you for coming." She said shaking his hand which he held to his chest before looking at it as if it had turned into gold.

"Hello..." Mi hi greeted the next person in the queue as she saw a woman this time, who had come along with her little daughter.

"What's your name?" She asked opening the first page of the book that the staff handed her out of the fresh stock.

"Jiha." The woman smiled at her as she asked her daughter to say hello but all the little girl did was wave her hand at her while giving Mi hi a toothless smile.

"She is so old is she?"

"She turned one just a few days ago." The mother said proudly, kissing the baby's head.

"Miss Mi hi, I wanted to ask you something." The woman began all the while Mi hi signed her book.

"Please go ahead."

"The way you write about love and the emotions that the characters feel about each makes me think that you have experienced that level of passion in reality. Do you have someone that you share those feelings with too?" She asked making Mi hi smile at her with a little hesitation to her demeanour.

"Sadly...I don't have my person, right now. Hopefully, I would meet him soon." She said making the woman nod before the guard and the staff asked her to get going as the next people in the queue were still waiting.

With a humble smile and a wave of her hand, Mi hi bid the mother and daughter goodbye as she imagined having a little one just like the woman who she would bring along everywhere. She believed that if ever she became a mother, she would be an obsessive one. The mother who took her baby around for strolls in the park, ice creams, groceries, it would be so much fun!

The idea of having children made Mi hi think just how much she had yet to accomplish in life.

She was a best-selling author, a woman of great potential who had managed to move hearts by her words alone. But her idea of having a family and settling down with a good man as her husband, was still so far.

She had yet to see the man she was possibly going to marry. Sighing at her fate, Mi hi found the staff handing her another book and a new cup of iced Americano along with it.

"Name?" She asked signing in the book as she waited for the person in front of her to speak.

"Kim Taehyung."

The name being told to her stopped Mi hi from functioning as she snapped her neck up to see the man in all his glory.

White shirt unbuttoned from the top a bit, tucked into his black trousers, hair tousled as it fell elegantly so, and a black rimmed spectacle sitting on his perfect nose, Taehyung stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets while being surrounded by two of his bodyguards.

"Mr. Kim." She whispered before smiling up at him but seeing the male sigh at her greeting made Mi hi giggle in embarrassment as she looked down at the book to write his name down on the page.

"Taehyung...I mean." She said and she could already see the smile in his stance.

"I remember you saying that you wanted me to sign your books but I never imagined you would come to a public book signing." She said lacing her hands on the table as she looked up at him while still sitting.

"I came here to get my first issue of the latest one. Signed, obviously." He said, his voice doing things to her as she found herself leaving earth and going to paradise at how eloquent he sounded.

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