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"What is that?"

Mihi smiled uneasily as she looked at Taehyung who just plain chuckled at her as his hands remained submerged in his trouser pants. She could swear how she would never get tired at the sight of him in suits. He looked so handsome and powerful in those monotonous suits that she had half a mind to have him try a few colours but she knew it won't match his personality. He was more of like the rich and businessman aesthetic than anything else.

"Taehyung." She tilted her head at him making him sigh as he walked closer to her holding a hand to her lower back as he guided her to the object attaining their attention before she gazed back at him.

"It's yours."

"...but I already have one." She looked at him flabbergasted.

"The more the better?" He responded, eyes serious as he stared back at her making Mihi to look away as she sighed holding a hand to her head.

"What am I supposed to do with this new car?" She asked again as she pointed at the beautiful Mercedes sedan that stood in front of them.

"Drive it?" He hummed back, his lips twitching to give away that teasing smile but he contained it.

"But I already have a car that works absolutely fine."

" that we are going to get married," he said taking his ringing phone out of his pocket,"I want you to have a vehicle that stands within mean. You are going to be my wife, Mihi."

Saying that he swiftly took a slight leave to take the call as he walked away a bit, leaving Mihi to stand there as she looked back at the car.

She was going to be his wife. Did he probably mean that she needed to act like it? He was Kim Taehyung. A leading business Tycoon, of course she had to keep up with his image. She sighed thinking how hard it would be to part with her Hyundai car that she had bought for herself from her first year's paycheck.

Jungkook always asked her to upgrade her car and offered help a lot of times but she loved being able to buy things for herself no matter how rich her family was. She liked being independent because no matter how steadfast she was, people would always label her as the rich heiress of the Jeon Family. Being down to earth and humble was something that she had acquired from her parents.

"Let's go." She flinched back to reality as her hand got held as she saw his fingers wrapping around her wrist, the gray sleeve of his blazer brushing against her skin.

"Yeah." She nodded back meekly, walking with him as she allowed him to guide her back to his car that they came in.

"Would we have lunch together?" She asked as they reached her side of the car as she smiled back at Kim Namjoon, his secretary who opened the door for her.

"I have an appointment later. You will have to have lunch on your own today." His voice sounded grave and no matter how much she wanted to brush off the feeling that he was probably still upset from that night when she had rejected his advances.

"Taehyung." She mumbled making the said man to look at her as he stayed still waiting for her to say something.

"...are you...upset with me?" She asked biting her lip as she watched him remove his glasses, those piercing dark eyes focused only on her, a look of surprise evident on his otherwise stoic face.

"I apologise if you felt offended that night... I didn't mean--"

His finger pressing against her lips, Mihi looked up to see him frowning.

"Shh...," he hushed her, "you will never apologise for doing something with me. And I will never force you to do something that you don't want to. You are my wife, Mihi...not my employee." He spoke and maybe it was the way he said it but Mihi could feel her heart flutter at how possessive that sounded to her.

"Okay..." she whispered, nodding back at him as his hand caressed her head before he pressed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"Go...and make sure you have lunch. I am sorry I couldn't have it with you." He said taking her hand and kissing it too.

"It's okay...I will see you later?" She asked again and this time a tiny little smirk played on his lips.

"Do you wish to see me later?"

And Mihi nodded, grinning as she saw how his lips parted in an amused chuckle.

"Then you will see me. I will drop by."

Satisfied with his answer, she bid him goodbye one last time as she slid inside the car that would bring her back to her office as she watched Namjoon bow to his boss before he was driving her away.


Would he like it if I got him cookies?

Mihi sighed as she stood there in front of the cookie alley in the grocery store as she looked around for a flavour that she thought Taehyung would like.

Chocolate? Or a fruit flavour, perhaps?

"Dark chocolate. That might suit him better." She chuckled at her own thoughts as she took one of each that she had come across and dropped them in her cart before going forward. In the weeks that she and Taehyung had met, she couldn’t help but draw similarities between them. How he had a blossoming hobby of reading books, how he loved the lavender tea that she liked, how he loved when she played with his hair although that had taken place once.

She wished they spent more time but between his office and her work, weekends where the only time when they actually spent time, lunches on weekdays came once in a while and she was glad they did. Their lunch dates were the highlights of her week. No matter how much she wanted to keep herself from doing it, she couldn't help herself from gushing out in peels of laughter because the man was damn funny. She was beyond happy that she had not succumbed to any of the blind dates that she had been subjected to by her mom and had finally ended up with a man whose grey suits and a charming smile had locked her fluttering heart in his palms.

Her eyes closed down as she tried to keep herself from squealing too hard because no matter what anybody told her, she knew what she felt wasn't just a mere attraction. Attraction to him cane with repercussions and maybe giving up her heart to him was up for bargain. But she feared if falling in love with him would guarantee a fairytale ending.

She wasn't sure if Kim Taehyung was a Prince charming, but a Prince with dark eyes and an even darker motive to corrupt her. She couldn't wait what married life with him would be because she was done with everyone treating her like she was a gentle fragile flower that needed care. She wanted Taehyung to show her what laid beyond it.


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