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Mi hi wondered just how much one could be surprised if she wasn't until now.

The man who had asked her hand in marriage, the man who had talked exclusively to her parents, the man who stood her up in the café leaving a note to her name, was the same man who had kissed her head the first time he had seen her off after their brief meeting.

He was the same one who had taken her on a date that fine day to the amazing hill station property of his and had made her drink his favourite matcha tea. The same damn person who had her so fucked up in the head that even while she had come to meet the anonymous man who had brought a marriage proposal to her family, she kept thinking of Kim Taehyung.

Turns out they are one and the same person.

Her eyes followed him as he sat with his parents on the other end after shaking his hands with Jungkook who just gave him a tight lipped smile in return.

She gathered that the two must know each other for they were business men. It wasn't possible that they had never seen each other. But that didn't matter at all to Mi hi. She was too occupied at staring at Taehyung's handsome face as he kept brushing his hair back.

He looked so homey in a pair of black trousers and a cream toned shirt that had its sleeves rolled up, letting her see the beautiful strong arms of the male. His lips stretching up in a smile, she saw how he kissed his mother's cheeks before taking his father in a side hug.

And then looked up to meet her eyes.

His suspicious little crooked smile as he nodded at her made Mi hi lower her eyes as she tried to understand just what was happening.

"Taehyung, honey...I am hoping you and Mi hi are acquainted with each other? Provided...," his mum smiled mischievously, "that you took it upon yourself to have the proposal laid out."

As an answer to that Taehyung's smile just widened a tiny bit.

"It was my decision to take up the responsibility of the proposal. The rest depends on what Mi hi decides." He said, making her name sound so unusual when his baritone spoke.

"Mi hi?" Her mum looked at the addled female who sat there quietly.

It wasn't easy for Mi hi to just agree to marry someone she had met a week ago. Yeah, sure he had her insides curling up in excitement everytime his brown orbs stared at her as if she was the only one he could see, but getting married and settling down with anyone would need more than a week's acquaintance.

"Can I have some more time to think about it?" She asked politely, her voice sounding soft even if her mind had been a complete haywire.

"Of course, darling." His mum smiled at her reassuringly making Mi hi relax as she returned her with one of her own.

Her hand on the other side, that she had been wringing like a cloth got held by her brother, who nodded at her in silent agreement to her decision. His face holding a smile, he shook his head at her to tell her to not worry.

Well, he could see she was absolutely overwhelmed with the paranoia of making the wrong decision, and hurting sentiments as she went. It was never her intention to disrespect those who were present in front of her.

"Take your time, Mi hi. It's your life afterall." Mr. Kim beamed at her before he called dibs on the wine and raised his glass to cheer.

Steps fell in sync as they all walked out of the restaurant in a giddy mood that had them laughing and cheering, Mi hi couldn't help the bubbling excitement in her self as she watched Taehyung's smile dazzling.

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